Another hand analysis

Just curious what any of you seasoned pros would have done differently in this hand (keeping in mind that skydivelane was playing rather losse/aggressive to this point):

***** Hand History for Game 2247855295 *****
100/200 TourneyTexasHTGameTable (NL) (Tournament 13322016) - Wed Jun 22 20:31:56 EDT 2005
Table Table 11869 (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 3: dietz41 (1895)
Seat 6: skydivelane (935)
Seat 7: drunk7daysaweek (1605)
Seat 8: BigDog6649 (3055)
Seat 10: travnole (510)
skydivelane posts small blind (50)
drunk7daysaweek posts big blind (100)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to drunk7daysaweek [ 5c, 2h ]
BigDog6649 folds.
travnole folds.
dietz41 folds.
skydivelane calls (50)
drunk7daysaweek checks.
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Ac, Ad, 3h ]
skydivelane checks.
drunk7daysaweek bets (100)
skydivelane calls (100)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 5d ]
skydivelane checks.
drunk7daysaweek bets (735)
skydivelane calls (735)
skydivelane is all-In.
** Dealing River ** : [ Ks ]
Creating Main Pot with $1870 with skydivelane
** Summary **
Main Pot: 1870 |
Board: [ Ac Ad 3h 5d Ks ]
dietz41 balance 1895, didn't bet (folded)
skydivelane balance 1870, bet 935, collected 1870, net +935 [ 2c 4s ] [ a straight, ace to five -- Ac,5d,4s,3h,2c ]
drunk7daysaweek balance 670, lost 935 [ 5c 2h ] [ two pairs, aces and fives -- Ac,Ad,Ks,5c,5d ]
BigDog6649 balance 3055, didn't bet (folded)
travnole balance 510, didn't bet (folded)


  • Step One:  Open your toolbox.

    Step Two:  Remove said Minimium Bet/Raise button immediately.

    Step Three:  Do not put said button back in your toolbox.

    Don't ask your opponents to chase unless their chasing dead cards!!!

    Drunk, I think you should lay off the sauce for a couple years..
  • Betting $100 into a $200 pot on the flop in an attempt to pick up the pot is fine. Your opponent suggests that he either has no Ace, or has an absolute monster that is desperate for action, by open-limping on the SB.

    After your $100 flop bet is called, any more of your chips going into the pot is going too far with the bluffing attempt I think.

  • BBC Z wrote:

    Drunk, I think you should lay off the sauce for a couple years..

    hey whats that supposed to mean? What would you have done?
  • I agree with Scotty.  Incidently I'd expect a LA player to bet that flop on a bluff, but a check call worries me a whole lot than an opening bet.  If he is slow playing an ace, I'd be inclined to take the free card on the flop to try to hit my gutshot and bust him.  Not a fan of the turn allin.  Seems like an awfully big risk to count on a loose player to fold to that bet.
  • I can see that you looked at his stack and decided to push him all in. Why? If your opponent really has nothing then 20-50% of his stack would be sufficient to get him to fold. If he has been checking so far then he could be playing with A, weak kicker, or low suited connectors because if he had A9 or higher or any two face cards he probably would have raised you preflop to steal the blind. This now increases the likelihood that he is on 2pr or a straight draw (which he did have made). If he raises you back you now have the opportunity to call or fold, depending on what you think he has.

    You will notice that what you did was let him play his draw cheaply until it was made. He called the BB for 1/2 a bet. He limped the flop because you only bet 100. You will also notice that once he made his hand he checked into you, because even if you had trips he had you beat. He was waiting for you because you bet the flop and he expected you to bet again. You should have been wary of a trap, as outlined above and checked to the river. For sure he would have bet out on the river and you would have known that he had a made hand. Anytime someone switches from checking to betting you can put them on a made hand.
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