
Tourney play?? hand Question

Well I thought I might throw this one out there as I admit I am not all that great at tourney play. Blinds are 200/400 average stack is about 9000 at this point and time I have around 4600 in chips and am the BB....( I will add that I just got moved to this table ) middle position limps in and small blind goes all-in for 4200....I have AK spades and am thinking that it would be myself and SB HU in this situation(as well SB and I have a long history of attacking each other so I really cant put him on a hand ),anyways I call and lose the pot when middle position calls and hits his set of tens taking both BB and SB out.....question is should I have folded? I think it is the right call however I like to to see flops and play from there....I think I play way to much HU limit ....any thought suggestions?


  • With AK, I like to be the one betting rather than the one calling.

    I guess it really depends on what kind of hand you could put SB on (could he play Ax or is he bluffing?). Also you'd have to consider what kind of hand would MP be playing and would he call an all-in with another caller?

    You weren't under huge pressure to play the hand. You still had enough chips for several circuits. I don't think I'd be in such a rush to call although your hand is a good one.

    Lots to think about. What did SB go all-in with?
  • Sb went all in with PP QQ while middle position had pp10....although SB has repeatadly pushed with 10J etc in the past...ya terrible play I guess...damn...think I should stick to limit...lol
  • If the SB is pushing with hands like JT then this is an easy call as you very likely have the best of it. You don't really want a coinflip (though it's not that bad either) but this is a situation where that is probably the worst case and it's more likely you have him dominated. The person who called with TT is the only one who misplayed the hand really. I'm all for laying down AK preflop in the right situations, but this isn't one of them imo, the chips just aren't deep enough to justify it.
  • I call in your spot. If you are against two pocket pair you are getting the right odds. This looks like the right spot to gamble to me. You are short stacked and although you are not in immediate danger, you want to take a positive EV situation that is presented.

    The SB has shown himself to have a wide range of hands. And, the middle position player has limped which suggests he has a hand that don't hate to see (implied odds hands including small pair and connectors).
  • Thank you all for your replies....just trying to hone up on my tourney play lately, I thought I did the right thing however I am really trying to not get all my money in pre-flop as I dont like to gamble it up alot in these tourneys,anyone who knows me knows I play alot of limit cash games but am trying to improve my tourney play,from reading alot of posts here and lurking around once in a while I am learning bits and pieces here and there..thank you once again for your help.

    As for my thinking on the hand....the SB always pulls that stuff and have seen him push it all-in for the limpers and blinds on several occasions with very sub par hands...as for middle position I couldnt see him calling the extra money as he just limped in to begin with,lesson learned.

    thanks and good luck at the tables.
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