Hey Ramblin' Dave...

Hey Dave,

Hope you gent's enjoyed your trip down to Vegas.
Just was curious, I want to begin to multi-table, right now currently I'm playing mainly $1-2 limit Holdem...just am wondering your thoughts on a couple of issues.

#1. Is it worth multi-tabling low limit such as I play...
#2. If I wish to play 3-4 tables, what bankroll should I have in comparison to the 300bb generic standard.

Also good luck at the WSOP main event in a month or two.



  • I think that low-limits are the best place to play multi tables since low-limits are the place where a basic, rote strategy will be close to optimal.

    Bankroll is the same. All that playing more than one will do is magnify the effect. If you are a loser you will get broke quicker. If you are a winner you will win quicker (although not in a pure multiple since it will effect your play).

    And... thanks. I'll need it.
  • I was also wondering Dave...
    With the tremendous growth of the game in the States and the record amount of players to be in the main event this year, are you going to use a different approach than in years past? You have had good sucess, as in placing in the money, so do you feel that you will have to play tighter/looser/more aggressive in the early stages, or are you just going to go with the flow, and decide upon the table?

    I understand that this probably will be hard to answer, but just wondering, as you have played poker for a long time, and know what works more than the rest of us.
  • I anticipate that the field will be dominated by weak tight players. The 2300 strong $1500 no-limit field certainly was.

    These players offer HUGE implied odds. So, I expect that I will go to work immediately. I will play a lot of small pots looking to land a big one and take a weak tight player with AA off for his whole stack.

    Moving onto latter days I will ratchet up the aggression meter.

    Having said that, I have learned that one's table matters above all else. If there is a tough player on my left who is able (and willing) to cut off my steal attempts it becomes a very difficult and long day where one tries to back fill chips. It's hard, but not impossible.

    So... start with a meta-strategy and then adapt according to table conditions.
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