Play the KWSOP on Poker Stars?

Is their any interest in this? It's not the same as live, but we could at least play!


  • same buy in, same payouts or no
  • I voted no and the reason I did was more to the point of what the KWSOP was to have been. It's not so much a $150 NL tournament, but more a chance for a bunch of people to get together and try their hands at 3 days of poker in a simulation of the actual WSOP.

    I think by holding the tournament on the web, it devalues the spirit of it's inception. I really do believe that another incarnation of the KWSOP will come along sooner than later and that we won't be stepping on any legal toes to get it done.
  • Since I don't have a poker stars account I wouldn't play. but outside of that I MUCH MUCH prefer live play to on line. It wouldn't be the same because it would be 10-15 minute blinds with short chip stacks in stead of 3 days with 10K and 1 hour blinds. A different tourney altogether.

    Zithal and co. Good luck for getting the KWSOP going again.
  • I voted no... not the same thing to play online as in person. If you want to play an online private tournament with good Canadian poker enthusiasts, come out to the bi-weekly member tournaments on Stars.
  • Zithal wrote:
    I voted no and the reason I did was more to the point of what the KWSOP was to have been. It's not so much a $150 NL tournament, but more a chance for a bunch of people to get together and try their hands at 3 days of poker in a simulation of the actual WSOP.

    I think by holding the tournament on the web, it devalues the spirit of it's inception.

    I voted No for exactly the same reasons. We may be clones.

    I've clearly got nothing about organizing and playing online tournaments at PokerStars with forum members. In fact, I usually feel like doing so most strongly on the first and third Tuesday of every month. \end{shill}

    But it was the specifics which were unique to the KWSOP which made it great. These would be pretty much lost by substituting it for an online tourney, and frankly, I'd personally find it a pretty depressing alternative.
    I really do believe that another incarnation of the KWSOP will come along sooner than later and that we won't be stepping on any legal toes to get it done.

    Nice. I would enjoy hearing about such a thing through a private communication which is not easily accessible to the public. I would be willing to feed, hydrate, bathe and clothe myself1 and find my own lodging during such an event, and I could bring 3 chairs and 2 decks of cards with me at no charge to anyone. Should I be lucky enough to win a prize, I'd rather not be awarded any kind of trophy or similar to go along with it. I don't care for special awards unrelated to the core game, such as bad beat jackpots or first player out prizes.

    [Warning: Post may contain subtle advice from a non-lawyer who doesn't necessarily know what he's talking about]


    1And, if inclined to deoderize, provide my own scents.
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