Team Canuck WSOP Sidebets

Taken from my poker log which will shortly be available at here is the current situation with WSOP sidebets.

I am interested in creative ways in which we can sort out who buys supper on Monday night. I think it should be "bottom two" by "top two" supper, but after that I haven't given it much thought.

Team Canuck Poker side bets

We have had two Team Canuck tournaments at (next one, not yet on the site, is June 25). In the first tournament, Ralph lost breakfast on Friday morning… breakfast before the first tournament. In the second one, Devin lost a round of Bananas Foster at the Rio which we will indulge in on Thursday evening after arrival. And yes, the bananas are on fire. Woohoo. At the “Team Canuck Poker Flaming Banana Summit” we will sort out the details of who will be buying the “Team Canuck Poker Most Expensive Steak in Las Vegas Dinner” which we are planning for Monday evening. Some of this dinner might be paid for by the Team Canuck Poker Party Fund which is funded by 1% of team winning at a $10 bad beat fine. The fund, right now, is $10 since Ralph caught me telling bad beat stories during the last Team Canuck Tournament. Dang. Busted.

I also owe Bob a drink since he lasted longer than I did in the ParadisePoker Millions this past Saturday. It think he beat me by 400 spots and still was 1200 away from claiming seizing the ring. Ugh. Not a good showing for the team.

I have a $100 side bet with Devin for the first tournament. He is, I think, looking for revenge from the $100 I took off him in Regina.

And, depending on mood and consumption at the “Team Canuck Poker Flaming Bananas Summit” there is likely to be many more side bets. Bad news though, the dress code will not permit the wearing of a giant beaver suit, so the “first one out is a rotten beaver” bet has been called off.
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