Hand Analysis

First let me start by saying hello all.  I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the poker forum for quite some time, and have gotten a lot of useful information out of it.  With that said, I would like to call on you for help regarding a hand I played recently on Empire.  Here is the info:

***** Hand History for Game 2082738864 *****
The_budgeman has left the table.
1/2 TexasHTGameTable (Limit)  - Sat May 21 12:22:23 EDT 2005
Table Table  32076 (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 1: BoJack53 ( $53)
Seat 2: basket_jerry ( $52.25)
Seat 3: Mr_Hat71 ( $51.07)
Seat 4: MDStorey ( $47)
Seat 6: MannyRS13 ( $98.59)
Seat 7: acesneverwin ( $45.5)
Seat 8: jy8184 ( $21)
Seat 9: ibizaa8881 ( $90.62)
Seat 10: mrhising ( $44.33)
basket_jerry  posts small blind (0.5)
Mr_Hat71 is sitting out.
MDStorey  posts big blind (1)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to MDStorey [ Ad, Kd ]
MannyRS13 folds.
acesneverwin folds.
jy8184 folds.
ibizaa8881 folds.
mrhising raises (2) to 2
BoJack53 raises (3) to 3
basket_jerry folds.
MDStorey calls (2)
mrhising raises (2) to 4          ---> By this point I knew I was probably beat, but wanted to see flop anyways...
BoJack53 calls (1)
MDStorey calls (1)
** Dealing Flop ** :  [ Kh, 4d, Kc ]    ---> The bells started going off here!
MDStorey checks.
mrhising bets (1)                   --> I put him on aces, so figured to smooth call flop to trap him for more money...
BoJack53 raises (2) to 2
MDStorey calls (2)
mrhising calls (1)
** Dealing Turn ** :  [ Jd ]   
MDStorey checks.
mrhising checks.
BoJack53 bets (2)
MDStorey raises (4) to 4   --> mrhising was a fairly loose calling station, so figured I could get him to call 2 bets here...
mrhising folds.                 --> But such was not the case...
BoJack53 raises (4) to 6   --> Its at this point I begin to believe that he has the other king and we may be tied...
MDStorey raises (4) to 8   --> But with 4 to the flush in addition, I figure I will build the pot in case another diamond comes...
BoJack53 calls (2)
** Dealing River ** :  [ 7s ]
MDStorey bets (2)
BoJack53 raises (4) to 4   --> Its at this point I begin to think he might have jacks and my head starts heating up a little...
MDStorey calls (2)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $41.5 | Rake: $1
Board: [ Kh 4d Kc Jd 7s  ]
BoJack53 balance $76.5, bet $18, collected $41.5, net +$23.5 [ Jh Jc ] [ a full house, Jacks full of kings -- Kh,Kc,Jh,Jc,Jd ]
basket_jerry balance $51.75, lost $0.5 (folded)
MDStorey balance $29, lost $18 [ Ad Kd ] [ three of a kind, kings -- Ad,Kd,Kh,Kc,Jd ]    :'(
brissen balance $50, sits out
MannyRS13 balance $98.59, didn't bet (folded)
acesneverwin balance $45.5, didn't bet (folded)
jy8184 balance $21, didn't bet (folded)
ibizaa8881 balance $90.62, didn't bet (folded)
mrhising balance $38.33, lost $6 (folded)

Ok so there you have it, not my finest moment...   :rage:            Let me give a little more background on this.  I use poker tracker religiously, and I have about a 500 hand database on both of the other players,  from it I knew that mrhising raises very rarely (more of a calling station).  And I also know that BoJack53 is a loose aggressive player, he raises approximately 1/3 of all pots.  He will do it with any two face cards, and he always re-raise from button, even seen him do it with A-4 suited.  When he started getting aggressive on the flop, I knew he could also have A-K or K-Q even.  By the time mrhising raised to 4 bets I felt I was committed to calling one more even though I was about 95% sure he had either aces or kings.

So what do you all think, should I have folded pre-flop?  Post-Flop?  If so where?  Or was this just another ordinary bad beat/stupid play on my part?

Ok, that was a little long winded for my first post, but it was certainly therapeutic to write it out :D


  • ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to MDStorey [ Ad, Kd ]
    MannyRS13 folds.
    acesneverwin folds.
    jy8184 folds.
    ibizaa8881 folds.
    mrhising raises (2) to 2
    BoJack53 raises (3) to 3
    basket_jerry folds.
    MDStorey calls (2)
    mrhising raises (2) to 4 ---> By this point I knew I was probably beat, but wanted to see flop anyways...

    ??? You honestly considered folding here? Cap every time for value.

    ** Dealing Flop ** : [ Kh, 4d, Kc ] ---> The bells started going off here!
    MDStorey checks.
    mrhising bets (1) --> I put him on aces, so figured to smooth call flop to trap him for more money...
    BoJack53 raises (2) to 2
    MDStorey calls (2)
    mrhising calls (1)


    1) Don't slowplay in LL holdem unless you flopped a Royal or quads or something.
    2) What did you think about the raise after 'mr aa' lead out?
    3) 'Smooth call to trap' ugh. You have 2 opponents in the hand. Punish the crappy carded third guy by betting. AA Ain't folding at 1/2 so don't worry about losing him.

    As for the rest of the hand, I'd play it the same. Cap the turn and Bet/call the river.
    So what do you all think, should I have folded pre-flop? Post-Flop? If so where? Or was this just another ordinary bad beat/stupid play on my part?

    Please discard this thinking. You must have been an NL player or something.

    1) Just because you lost the pot doesn't mean you should have folded anywhere.
    2) The pot is a MONSTER, don't fold monster pots for single bets. ie if yer getting 15 to 1 or better, it's an automatic call if you think the player has even the slightest possibility of bluffing.
  • I completely agree with everything that BBC_Z has said...and...welcome to the forum. Nice first post.

  • Thanks for the feedback guys... I knew all along that I wasn't laying it down post flop, I was curious on how you guys would play it pre-flop given my position and the betting patterns from my two opponents. I agree in hindsight that I shouldn't have played the flop as I did. Hopefully next time that cursed jack won't hit :D

    I look forward to any other feedback other forum members might have, and will be posting again in the future.
  • You played it right. I would have bet and kept betting (perhaps that is a weakness) with the Trips and the best kicker.
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