tournament record...... hot and cold

I've been playing mostly in online tourneys lately...... freerolls and small buy ins. I like this format for practice and trying out different strategies, etc.

It goes one of two ways for me: I either finish really well (10-30 range out of 2500) or I'm out really early (AA or AKs all-in gets outdrawn, etc.)

I guess that's just the way it goes some days, but is there another explanation ...... some hole in my game perhaps.

It's funny ....... some days, when it's all going really well, I really feel like a capable, confident, fearless player. And then there are those other days, when I think to myself "I don't have the first clue as to how this game is played."

I figure some of you here have had the same thoughts, and what are some of the methods you've used to snap out of it.


  • Ever think that your sample size is too small or maybe you forget all the times you busted 'in the middle' ?
  • BBC Z wrote:
    Ever think that your sample size is too small or maybe you forget all the times you busted 'in the middle' ?

    Happened alot when I first started playing ....... very rarely now.
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