
Hey, today as I was reading my Daily Racing Form (my other passion is the runners!) I saw a full page ad for the poker room sponsored by Doyle Brunson. Further reading led to the fact that they are giving away hard-cover copies of SS2 with 10 000 "action points" from the site.

Has anyone played this room or taken advantage of the free copy of the book? If so, how hard is it to get the 10 000 action points. I'm a low limit ring game player or small buy-in SNG player.

Thanks in advance,
Young Grimmm


  • I did it playing 2/4 shorthanded in about 10 hours of play.

    The thing with "action points" is, it's based on how much you wager... so a full-ring game takes a while.

    Shorthanded goes pretty quickly as you're in more pots. I was lucky when I played it too, the competition at that level was very weak and I was able to finish about 1K up... this was a few months ago, and I haven't played there since, so I can't tell you what it's like now.

    hope this helps.

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