Stars 350K May 15/05

I'm playing again today for the CNPL, Anyone else playing? Playing under the name stpboy77 if anyone cares to watch, starts at 4:30pmest.



  • Just went and visited the CNPL website seems like a great idea. IS there any way to join other then PAy PAL? Like mailing someone a chq?
  • I'm playing it as well, but that's no surprise as I play it just about every week lol. GL Shannon.
  • Thief wrote:
    Just went and visited the CNPL website seems like a great idea.  IS there any way to join other then PAy PAL?  Like mailing someone a chq?

    There definately is!

    Go to the site and click on the public area. If you have any questions, email Sloth at
  • Thanks Devin, hopefully we see eachother no sooner then the final table.  Gl to you too!

  • I'm playing under "PokerStuff" GL Everyone.

    All aces was that you that came 2nd in a WSOP shootout yesterday?
  • Don't remind me.  ;)  Yeah, that was me, heads up for a WSOP package.  We traded the chip lead back and forth a few times, and then the final hand came up when he had me covered.  I made middle pair on the flop, he bet, I moved in, he thought a bit and called.

    ME: 6d 7d
    HIM: 4h 6s

    Flop: 5 7 T one diamond.  (money goes in... I am relieved to see that not only am I ahead, but that my pair is higher than either of his two hole cards.  He needs a 3 or an 8, and if he misses, I'm massive chip leader with big blinds)

    Turn: T

    River: 3
  • second is so brutal in those things, they should change it to 2nd gets $800 and 3rd gets money back and 4-9 get nothing
  • 9th got $30, 8th through 2nd got their money back. When we got heads-up with even chips we made a deal (through support) that whoever won would give $500 to second. So, at least I got something for my time, but yes, second was very disappointing.
  • Or better yet 2nd gets W$1500 to buy into a smaller WSOP event
  • What the heck, I'll make a run at it. :cool:

    GL to everyone playing.

  • Nice contingent today, gl to all!
  • Im playing as well, username is j0shua_p
    GL guys
  • Won in in the late $11 Turbo so im playing
  • Well my gl wish goes to one person but enjoy all !  ;)
  • gl to all.
    stp, i'd stop by and say hey, but, moved money out of stars, good luck!
  • Ended up 869th out of 2700. Unbelievably card dead after the first break and took huge hit when I had to fold my QQ to a nasty board and a check-raise from the chip leader. Gl to all aces who is still around with 750 players left.

  • GG STP. I have 5600 going into the 300/600 level. Papa needs a big hand.
  • I'M out ran into KK, then KQ to A7
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