A Glitch in the machine

Okay so here goes, I just started on Paradise poker, Actually 2 days before forum tourney. Since my bankroll is fairly low i have to adjust quick and stay on low table. But i tough to myself maybe a cheap tourney could be fun. So i browse a little and find a 5+1 dollar tourney, only 20 min to start and a little more than 600 players already waiting.

First couple of round i get a couple a good hand and read on my table. I stay on average stack till its almost money time. Than a guy gets lucky on my A.. and steel half my chip when im holding A/A. Where At 90 player's left and the first 70 are worth something. well not that much it is a 5+1 tourney, but its more ego related at that point and first place is a wooping 800 dollar. :)

Thats when everything freeze up. At first and for a couple of min i freak a little, im thinking my Damm computer is gonna get trashed before the end of the evening. But than things get back to normal (almost) People are talking at the table. Seems it was the site that got sick for a moment. Some player's at the table are saying the tourney will be canceled. So i go oki but what about our money. A guy (can't remember name) -You shut up biatch your going to lose anyway. So now im thinking damm those 5 year old Pimp are so mean. But my question was more about the prize money than the entry fee, i did lose 2 hours of my time to get there.

The tourney suddenly starts back where whe left it. Have About 6k in my stack wich is almost not enough to stay on for long. Have to outlast a couple of them to make money than make my move. Thing is i could have try and steal a couple blind but the Pimp was going in everytime id put money in, really he was trying to make me is B.....

Okay heres the glitch... After a while i tough to myself lets see how much of them are left till cash.
MotherF...... The counter is still at 90 player left. damm thing is broken.

Another 20 min the counter is still at 90. I finally ask nicelly how much are left.
-Pimp response: I pitty the fool who shoud go F himself. Well Something like that at least.
So i decide after another couple round And a 6/6 on the button to go all in (5600$) after everyone as folded to me. (pimp included) Small blind fold is 300 dollar or so blind. But the big blind call almost instantly. He turns k/7 spade. Flop raggs with 2 spade turn (no help for both) river is a freaking King. Congrats Frogking you have finished 60th you have won 8 dollar.

My question to you peoples is... how young can you become a pimp and if your not one should you be aloud to act like one. Yeah that and point to me the glitch in my game if you see any. (there are some i know) Are those problem frequent on paradise poker or was it only a one time thing?


  • So far the biggest glitch I see is typing in a coherent manner. I think improving this part of your game would make the likelyhood of posing questions which can be answered much higher. From there, the learning will begin.


    Perhaps a glossary of your often used terms would also be a nice addition. You could make it your signature.
  • Im not sure what i did wrong as far as typing goes???

    I am maybe a bit rough when it comes to english cuz im french born. (secret)

    I tough it was comprehensible enough.

    As far as PIMP goes, well im pretty sure most reader will understand without a glossary.
  • Tie Twist wrote:
    So far the biggest glitch I see is typing in a coherent manner. I think improving this part of your game would make the likelyhood of posing questions which can be answered much higher. From there, the learning will begin.


    Perhaps a glossary of your often used terms would also be a nice addition. You could make it your signature.

    harsh. very un-canadian. but funny.
  • I think the situation you have described, FrogKing, as well as this thread itself, demonstrates what we all know: that the anonymity of the Internet allows a greater proportion of people to use profanities, insults and belittling comments, in other words, to be jerks.  Of course this occurs in live games too, but you need a lot more balls (and presence) to do it face to face instead of typing away in the comfort of your living room.  Still, you should just think of that kind of table-talk as but one of the tools people use in their game.  It would be nice to know all the time for sure whether the "pimp" in question is a genuine jerk, a calculating and manipulative opponent or an everyday wuss who gets off on reversing the tables while online; then you could adapt acccordingly.  But when in doubt, the golden rule of the schoolyard still applies in poker:  just ignore the bully.  Or, you can just read what he said aloud with Mr. T's voice and laugh about it.  After all, he's not talking to you, he was just responding to the first person that used the chat.

    About your play, well, there's not a lot of context there, but maybe you felt that since the "pimp" had folded your all-in move was safer?  Sometimes when there's a "pimp" at the table you feel more of a camaraderie with the other opponents, it's only natural.  That could cost you...
  • Psychology 101, by Karina,  2005

    good post :)

    Do I know you ??? :fish:
  • Hey FrogKing,

    I'm not sure how exactly to do it on Paradise, but on most sites you can easily block table chat. Unfortunately the internet allows for people to sit in their living rooms, hiding behind their keyboards, likely in their underwear (maybe that's just me?), spewing profanities at you. It tarnishes a great game. As soon as someone at my tables directs something at me I usually block all chat, sometimes it's funny to watch two people go at it but most of the time it's not worth it for me. Incidentally you can also block images on sites like Absolute and Stars....sometimes the pics people have are kind of annoying.
    You'll run into these types often enough, just ignore them, turn chat off and take their money!!! Let them get cocky,if their going all-in over top of you wait for a decent hand and take them out, chances are they think they own you and will go all-in with mediocre cards thinking they know you will fold......it's pretty satisfying to take them out...particularly before the money!  :D
  • Yeah ive done the block image thingy on Poker star. Realized i was watching the images when i should have been concentrating. :)

    Now i always block all images before tourney start. (sit and go)
  • Ty for post Karina, great job.

    Was thinking about those bully lately,

    When i started on Party i add to play with girl Avatar (dont Ask) Always getting sexist comment and or insulted. Bia.ch And wh...re well you know BAd bad words :)

    My girlfriend wanted to try online after a while and i was a bit uneasy about it. Dont get me wrong, she's a great poker player but i coulnt let these A Ho.. put her down. Not when i can't return the favor.

    But she's much more tampered than me and everything was fine.

    I have a short fuse, so therefore im a better LIVE player, Really rare that a guy insult me in person. And if he does, hes not gonna go with the vicious stuff you see online. A guy would have to be suicidal to tell another player is mother a Wh..re face to face. I mean the guy could be 5 feet tall hes gonna grab a chair and beat you to a pulp.
  • karina wrote:
    that the anonymity of the Internet allows a greater proportion of people to use profanities, insults and belittling comments, in other words, to be jerks. 
    No one on this forum would do that... :bs:
  • Tie Twist wrote:
    So far the biggest glitch I see is typing in a coherent manner. I think improving this part of your game would make the likelyhood of posing questions which can be answered much higher. From there, the learning will begin.


    Perhaps a glossary of your often used terms would also be a nice addition. You could make it your signature.

    Tie Twist: we don't need to make derogatory comments about people's spelling here.  If you object to some of the words he chose to use, that's one thing (although I've seen much, much worse on other forums) but cutting up someone's spelling isn't necessary. 

    No biggie... I read most of your posts, and find them to be very thoughtful and amicable on the whole.  Just give the French Canadian guy a break.  Maybe I'm particularly sympathetic as I, too, was born in Quebec.  ;)
  • all_aces wrote:
    Tie Twist: we don't need to make derogatory comments about people's spelling here. If you object to some of the words he chose to use, that's one thing (although I've seen much, much worse on other forums) but cutting up someone's spelling isn't necessary.

    No biggie... I read most of your posts, and find them to be very thoughtful and amicable on the whole. Just give the French Canadian guy a break.

    MAN, I checked this one closely for spelling errors. Seems clean. :)
    Maybe I'm particularly sympathetic as I, too, was born in Quebec. ;)

    Vive le all_aces libre!

  • Tie Twist wrote:
    Mr Kettle,

    If you are going to be critical, please do a spell check first.

    Mr Black
  • Lol. Somehow thought this was a Reservoir Dogs reference at first.
  • I had no issue with spelling. At any rate, I didn't realize there was a language issue going on there. It was intented to me more of a smart ass barb than mean. But I'll tone it down going forward to allow for the sensitivities of the poker community. (which seem to be unexpectedly numerous)

    Sorry Frogking.

    Sometimes I forget that the message boards I rarely post on don't know me as the always sarcastic wisenheimer that my regular boards are used to.
  • Its alright Twist, water under the bridge.

    My girlfriend is always telling me to watch how i write anyway.

    I should too, im currently studying in Professional writing at the Hull university. :)
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