ring games

where do you find the easiest poker site to make money on.i usually play 2/4 thanks for any feedback


  • Play should be somewhat better at 2/4 but I've often heard Pacific is a juicy site.

    With the proliferation of online poker sites my experience is now limited.  Is something like .25/.50 limit horrible everywhere?  If not, I tried this the last 2 days for a lark at Pacific Poker.  I doubled my money in 1.5 hours or was making around 20BB per hour.  There was horrible play by most at the table and this can be a nice boost to see how you've improved.  Just don't berate those you're taking advantage of.
    I'll try to find time today to see if there's much difference in .50/$1 limit @ Pacific.
  • It really depends on the player. I personally like the $25 buy in NL on Paradise. I can easily double up there.

    But it is all subjective. Some people make more at Limit games, I personally make more at NL.
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