Good Read or Bad Judgement?

Tell me what you think...did I play this too strongly after the two players called me on the flop? What about my call at the end? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

POKERSTARS GAME #1661243228: HOLD'EM NO LIMIT ($1/$2) - 2005/05/08 - 18:45:35 (ET)
Table 'Posnania' Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: JetroFly ($282.45 in chips)
Seat 2: Spydeberg ($182.30 in chips)
Seat 3: RoyalBull22 ($210 in chips)
Seat 4: timawesome ($192 in chips)
Seat 5: gordan_gecco ($170.30 in chips)
Seat 6: carni679 ($171.55 in chips)
Seat 7: ChilliWilly ($238.55 in chips)
Seat 8: jucifer ($189 in chips)
Seat 9: buuleewhoota ($199.25 in chips)
buuleewhoota: posts small blind $1
JetroFly: posts big blind $2

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to gordan_gecco [6d 6c]
Spydeberg: calls $2
RoyalBull22: folds
timawesome has timed out
timawesome: folds
timawesome is sitting out
gordan_gecco: calls $2
carni679: folds
ChilliWilly: calls $2
jucifer: folds
timawesome has returned
buuleewhoota: calls $1
JetroFly: checks

*** FLOP *** [Ad 3s 2s]
buuleewhoota: checks
JetroFly: checks
Spydeberg: checks
gordan_gecco: bets $8
ChilliWilly: calls $8
buuleewhoota: folds
JetroFly: folds
Spydeberg: calls $8

*** TURN *** [Ad 3s 2s] [9d]
Spydeberg: checks
gordan_gecco: bets $10
ChilliWilly: calls $10
Spydeberg: calls $10

*** RIVER *** [Ad 3s 2s 9d] [Ac]
Spydeberg: checks
gordan_gecco: bets $10
ChilliWilly: raises $55 to $65
Spydeberg: folds
gordan_gecco: calls $55

*** SHOW DOWN ***
ChilliWilly: shows [6s 5c] (a pair of Aces)
gordan_gecco: shows [6d 6c] (two pair, Aces and Sixes)
gordan_gecco collected $191 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $194 | Rake $3
Board [Ad 3s 2s 9d Ac]
Seat 1: JetroFly (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: Spydeberg folded on the River
Seat 3: RoyalBull22 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: timawesome folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: gordan_gecco showed [6d 6c] and won ($191) with two pair, Aces and Sixes
Seat 6: carni679 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: ChilliWilly showed [6s 5c] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 8: jucifer (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: buuleewhoota (small blind) folded on the Flop

Afterwards, ChilliWilly naturally started chastising me for making that call. I thought he was going for the flush throughout, and after about a minute of thinking it through, I felt like he missed his draw and was trying to take the pot. I was right about half of it...turned out he went that far on an inside straight draw!!! FYI, If Spydeberg had called I would have folded, no question.

So what do you think:

1) Did I play this too strongly?
2) Would you have called on the end?

FYI - ChilliWilly had the following stats...40% VP$IP, 20% WTS, and 0% W$AS


  • I'm going to go out on a limb and say it was a great call on the river, but it may be only marginally profitable longterm.

    The hand he represents on the river is isconsistent with the way the hand played out.

    An Ace or a set would not have passively called you bet on the flop because they fear the flush draw as much as anyone. The pot was unraised preflop, so we can discount monster pocket pairs.. The third caller is a little wierd, but given the fact that LL players love suited trash, his call doesnt mean much.

    The turn blanks and they passively call again..

    The river brings the case Ace and we get raised after showing a minor amount of strength on the previous streets. Well we know he doesn't have an ace or a set.. A smaller pocket pair would likely just call your $10 and no draws are complete. His river bet REEKS of bluff..

    Now, why do I say its marginally profitable? Well 5 players saw that flop where you decided to take you 6's and play them agressively. They can easily flop a set and slowplay you into the ground or make some funky two pair hand from the blinds. So I don't know if playing 6's like this is a good strategy without very specific opponent reads. I would have preferred you raised preflop and represented the ace on the flop.
  • Thanks for the feedback, BBC Z. Very thorough...I appreciate it.
  • Wow, I really thought this post would generate more of a discussion..
  • The call on the end is entirely about player read. IMO, the betting pattern:

    Flop: Passive
    Turn: Passive
    River: Ultra-Aggressive

    is common in LLNL. The trouble is that the pattern itself tells you nothing unless you can link it to a player's past behavior. The common scenarios where this betting pattern are used are when slowplaying a monster, or drawing and missing.

    Of course, the latter turned out to be so in this case, but in sizing up your call, the real question is: Did you have some reason to think this player is more likely to use this betting pattern when drawing rather than having a real hand?

    Actually, your opponent is making a major mistake by berating you for calling here. This is a monster tell. After this hand, you can immediately put your opponent on being a heavy bluffer, and moreover, you can put him/her on using the drawing/bluffing form of the Passive-Passive-SuperAggro betting pattern. Generally, someone who berates a player who has made a winning call plays with the attitude that he/she can often push players off hands.

    As for the play of the hand as a whole, I would probably check and fold on any street. On the flop, the pot is very small, you have missed, and the board has many drawing possibilities. Why get involved?

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