Party Poker

Does anyone else notice once you start to get $300 or $400 in your account at Party it is hard to win.I build my account up from $100 then one bad nite of bad beat after bat beat i'm broke.The nite started off with a $33 nl speed tourney.WAs doing good but some chick how wouldn't every fold and party was rewarding her for it ran oker my ak with her 58.Then i decided it was time for some 2/4 bad beat.I got good cards and flopped the nuts often. Only to be rivered flushed all nite by some jerk playing 24 58 72 suited for the famouus Party river flush.So down $185 i decide to play 5/10 bad beat.Thinking the play will be better.The 1st hands i get kk raise and bet it all the wat river ace.Guy called $70 with ace 2.Next hand AA is run overe by 39c river club. NO matter what i did i couldn't win very frustrating.My worst nite onkine down$385 or240 bushells of grain


  • If you don't feel comfortable with the fairness of Party's software, then there are many other sites to choose from.

    All I can say is, bad beats happen everywhere. Personally, I have had no problems running my account balance to any particular dollar amount, and the level of play does not vary depending on how much I have in my account. I can look at my Pokertracker over a wide range of hands and see that I'm getting dealt the same ratio of cards as is statisically 'normal'.
  • Just a little constructive criticism.  I don't think I would be alone in my thinking that you are playing at limits above what your bankroll can sustain.  If you started the night at $400 and were down to $200 after the tourney and $2/4 play, that leaves you with $200 to sit at the $5/10 table.  A $200 bankroll is only 50 big bets at $2/4 and only 20 big bets at $5/10.  Slow down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Guys playing 8/3 suited make YOU money over TIME.  Some nights you gotta take your lumps.  Make sure you have the bankroll for those nights.
  • i know i was a bit short stacked for 5/10 but needed $85 to be even so i tried.dumb move
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