WOWOWOW, What a WEEK I AM HAVING!!! Just won another $1900

Well what can I say, when your hot, your hot.

I guess school was keeping me on Ice. As most of you know, i had a 5K win on Pac Poker this Past Saturday( ). On Sunday, i then played a $20+2 Omaha HL Limit tourney on PS and made it to the final table, finishing a dissapointing 9th :(

But today, after coming home from my local casino run (where I made a cool $48 profit @ 2/5 with my frd, I dropped 100 just raising with shit for fun) I played a $20+2 NLHE. I made it to the final table 4th in chips, decently stack.ed Lost a big pot to a SS AQ vs A2 all in :( As always, I try to make my climb back and we are down to the final 3. I get QQ and get KT all in, Kxx flop :(

Next thing i know, I am SS and chip count is like this 200K, 250K, 570K with 10/20K blinds. The chip leader (carnage from ITH) offered us a chip count and I said we should play for $100. Chip count came as follow:
Carn 2600
Other guy: 1950
Me: 1775
Play for $100 + TLB Points

Althought this deal was looking to favourable for me, I agreed to it, because maybe because I have been on such a good roll and don't want to ruin it do to greediness.

Getting back intot he game, i took Other Guy out with AK vs his ARg. Next thing I know, I am Heads up with Carnage. I wuchout on him on a QT9 flop with T5 to his Qsomething. River was a 5. Next thing i know, we're event. Flop is QT9, I have 97, he checks, I bet. He raises I call. Turn is a rag, he bets I reraise all in and he calls. I see the Q and quince. luckily river is 7 and I have 2 pair and win the bonus $100. MWAHAAHAH

I also checked my TLB Points and I have 700 ish. So I may make a un of 1500 TLB points and try to take down McEvoy. It will like Teecoy last year lol.


  • Great run Tilter!
    Congratz on the finish!!
    and I had 10%!!!! WOOT! :D
  • you are TOTALLY buying me a beer now!

    WTG again.
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