When to up the limit?

I've been playing a lot of SnG's on PS lately. When I first started playing poker, I played the micro-limit ring games on UB. Just this week I moved back to ring games on PS (1/2 limit) as a change of pace and I am really enjoying it (read making some decent coin).

How do I know when I'm ready to move up the limit?



  • I'm always a stick in the mud on this question, thinking why move up? If you're doing well and making money, then keep making money at the current limit, is my theory.

    Does that mean I've never moved up.  Nope.  This is not for everyone.  Just something I do in my bizarro world.  I usually wait until I'm on a very cold streak, AND, I'm beating my current limit for more than 20k hands (min 1.5 bb/100), AND I have a bankroll for the higher limit (for me between 100-300 bb -- the higher the limit, the more BB i want).

    This gives me a fresh look at new players, new plays and just gets me out of my funk.  I usually pay way more attention and I'm not as sloppy as when I'm on a winning streak.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Have fun.

  • OK...now one session doth not a poker player make, but I was able to play a fair amount today...and nearly tripled my stake at 1/2 limit 6-handed on PS...just an amazing session...

  • Over on 2+2 there's a thread (brief) on adding additional tables vs. upping the limit. I don't want to get ahead of myself but how many of you view this as a viable approach?

  • As far as no limit goes, I believe I multitabled before I went up.
  • I always multi-table, just for the simple fact that it keeps me interested and I tend to stick with premium hands. I found that if I only play one table I will eventually start to limp in with extrememly weak hands just to keep it interesting.
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