Multiple Site Memberships

Hi gang.  I was wondering what the point is in having multiple poker site memberships?  It seems like many of you are members of a lot of different sites.  Could someone please elaborate on this one?  I currently play exclusively at PokerStars...thanks for your input...



  • I play on three sites just for the variety.

    I like to play torunaments, sometimes just one site does not have the right type for me.
  • reload bonuses.
  • What hork said... basically I keep a small bit of money at each of the sites I play at, and have a bigger amount that I move around depending on whichever site has the best reload bonus. I figure if I am going to play anyways, I might as well take advantage of whatever deal is out there.

    Also, I like some aspects of certain sites better than others (i.e. like tournaments on Stars, cash games on another site, etc).

    Last reason, on those nights where I want to screw around, or am blitzed or on tilt, I can look around for a low limit tourney or freeroll to pass the time.
  • I have active accounts at Party, Stars, Paradise, and PokerRoom.  Each site has different things that appeal to me, so I tend to move my money around from one to the other, through Neteller.

    Also, if I take an extended run of bad beats, I find it's very satisfying to be able to move all of my money off that site, and put it somewhere else.  ;)
  • In addition to the comments so far, I'd suggest game selection as a reason to play on multiple sites. Not just literal game selection (i.e. availability of the games/limits you want), which is important too, but game selection in terms of where the most profitable games are. That is, the games that have the worst opponents.

    And, yes, this does mean the sites where the games seem to be like bingo, your opponents chase everything, and you take bad beat after bad beat. :cool:

    The thing is, there are both short and long term trends in what site(s) the fish like to swim at. Having multiple accounts will make it easy to both browse the game selection pool, and actually switch sites as need be.

    There is nothing more to winning poker than being better at poker than the opponents you are playing against.

  • Could someone please elaborate a bit on the "reload bonuses." I'm not exactly sure what you mean...thanks,

  • IronDoc wrote:
    Could someone please elaborate a bit on the "reload bonuses." I'm not exactly sure what you mean...thanks,


    Many sites offer periodic bonuses for making a deposit, usually in the form X% of the deposit amount after you play Y raked hands.

    PokerStars (where you said you play) offers these, but much less often than some other sites. PartyPoker typically offers a deposit bonus once per month. Some (all?) of the Cryptologic skins also offer frequent deposit bonuses.

    I get the feeling that this thread will soon live in the Advertising section. ;)

    Having multiple accounts allows you to collect these kinds of bonuses from multiple sites, and you will also usually (that is, if you provide the site with a legit email address and have your spam filter configured correctly) receive email notification of such bonuses from any sites where you have an account.

  • Thanks all. I am looking into it pretty clean in terms of transfering funds in and out of the various sites? I presume you transfer money out into NETeller, and then into the other poker site of choice.

  • NETeller is great.  Every site that I play on accepts it, and if you do it right, there are no fees.  'Doing it right' means avoiding the 'InstaCash' feature if you can... you'll get all that info from the NETeller site.

    But yeah, never had a problem with them.  Also, when you request a cheque from them, they mail it from a Canadian NETeller branch.  Which means that when you take it to your bank, even though the cheque is in American funds, there is no 30 business-day hold on it, which there would be if the cheque came from the States.

    [bragging] I have a NETeller cheque on the way as I type this. [/bragging]

    You link NETeller to your chequing account.  This is an easy process.  Then you deposit money to NETeller.  Once the funds hit NETeller, the online poker world is your oyster.  You can move money in various increments to various sites, cash out from sites back to NETeller and move the money to another site, or request a cheque to be delivered to you, whatever you please.  Completely trustworthy and reliable, at least in my experience.

    One word of warning: track your results carefully.  Don't play above your bankroll.  You will have the freedom to empty your chequing account into poker sites.  Don't do that.  Be smart, disciplined, and honest with yourself.  Be careful... I am sure a lot of players don't know when to stop when they have this kind of access to cash and to gambling.

    Sorry to get all heavy on you there, but it had to be said.  I'm sure you already know to be cautious.  Hope that helped!
  • Also worth mentioning make sure you select $US as your currency in neteller to avoid exchange rate charges on all but your initial deposit/transfers.
  • all_aces wrote:

    [bragging] I have a NETeller cheque on the way as I type this. [/bragging]

    LMAO!  :D
  • Also worth mentioning make sure you select $US as your currency in neteller to avoid exchange rate charges on all but your initial deposit/transfers.

    Absolutely. I hadn't realized how badly I was killing myself with a CDN currency account. I'd deposit 500 US one day, and pull it out the next and there would be a 25-30 dollar hole between the 2 transactions (like 25-30% of the bonus I just worked off).
  • Thanks All-Aces (et al) for your thoughtful reply! I do appreciate it. On a related note, I'm wondering (on a percentage basis of course) how much you keep at various sites? Do you only draw a cheque if you reap a big score, or do you use NETeller as kind of a 'savings account' of sorts...not sure if you get my meaning exactly...not trying to pry...thanks,

  • all_aces wrote:

    But yeah, never had a problem with them.  Also, when you request a cheque from them, they mail it from a Canadian NETeller branch.  Which means that when you take it to your bank, even though the cheque is in American funds, there is no 30 business-day hold on it, which there would be if the cheque came from the States.

    I just opened my Neteller account and my first deposit is on its way so I haven't made any withdrawals (yet). Couple questions.

    Do you get them to send you a cheque so you avoid the exchange back to your cdn account?
    Isn't there a charge for this because don't they send the cheque via FedEx?

  • IronDoc wrote:
    Thanks All-Aces (et al) for your thoughtful reply! I do appreciate it. On a related note, I'm wondering (on a percentage basis of course) how much you keep at various sites? Do you only draw a cheque if you reap a big score, or do you use NETeller as kind of a 'savings account' of sorts...not sure if you get my meaning exactly...not trying to pry...thanks,


    To be honest, at the end of the day it doesn't much matter what system you come up with.  Everyone will devise a system of moving money around that works for them.  Because it's one long game, at the end of the day, all you're really concerned about is: am I doing better than breaking even, or not?

    That being said, my system is to take a unit of 1 and deposit it into an online poker site.  Then, I try to run it up to 10.  If I succeed, I cash out 4 or 5 units, and try to make it to 10 again to do the same thing.  And so on, and so on...  If I lose my single unit, I try again, or try a different site.  If I get stuck at 2 or 3 units for too long, playing with my own winnings and losses for a week or two, I cash it all out and try a different site, different games, etc...  It's important to try and find the weakest fields, so you should consider which sites are best for you, at the stakes you want to play, and at which times of the day.  This is when it's handy to have money at more than one place at one time.

    But like I said, besides game selection, I could arbitrarily decide to cash out or deposit to any account at any moment, and it wouldn't matter much; the important thing is to consider what's happening long-term, and to find the weakest players.
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