Happy yet Dissapointed. Pacific Poker 250K, came 8th/2110

So I won a prize of 5K. The day before I got my friend to do the Refer a Friend bonus so I would have $100 in my account to play. I told him I would give him $25 for his trouble, but instead he asked for a 20% stake in me. Being we are friend, I didn't mind at all, as good kharma comes along. So I got 4K, and my friend is earning a cool Grand for believing in me.

This is a great start to the summer as I was bummed goiing out in 19th @ a live tournament where top 7 paid, I lose QQ vs KK. And from losing the Empire Poker $250+20 , when I called an all in on QJx flop with Q9 and my opponent had A9 and rivered an ace.

Summary of Tourney:
Started off playing any pair pretty much at any price trying to hit a set and steal the person stack. Worked twice someone and I was up to 7-8K ish. I then won a couple hands and double through the chip leader up to 26K. But then my brother came into the room, whenever he bothers me playing poker I do bad, and I went on a -18K streak. We finally made the money @ 250 ($125) and I double up, stole blinds and got lucky. Next thing I know, I am chipleader with 500K, and next person behind me is 300K. I then get up to 700K (peak) and it all went downhill. I felt a lot of pressure on myself to win the tournament because I had such an advantageouse position. A couple run of coin flips and calling a stupid bet.

Stupid Bet:
10/20 K blinds, MP raises to 60K, I call with JJ (should have reraised, but I felt that he would call with overcards and I want him/her to be able to muck them postflop) and flop comes down QTrag, MP goes all in (got more than pot) and it got me thinking that he didn't want a call, so I called. He had AQ :P

From there, it was trying to hang on to make it to the final table. Got AK AA, Arag a couple times and made them count.

In the end, I was 6th in chips at the time, but the short stacks kept on winning. So I pushed my 7 BBs all in on the button with AQc and got called by SBs JJ. KKJ flop, and that was the end of me.

Overall I am happy with the finish (I was eyeing top 6-$10K or more as my preferred spot), but I guess I can settle with 8th. I learned about from my game today and iI'm going to try to improve it to the best of my abilities. This $4000 is also helpful for me to pay my way into the WSOP next year :)


__________________________________________YESTERDAY MESSAGE WRITING ONTOP OF IT_______________________________________________________
This is a huge tournament on Pac Poker. I expect a huge overlay ($50-100) on this. 20 minute levels, 2500 stating chips. This will be a good tourney. After a dissapointing finish in the 200K last week on EP, and a dissapointing live tourney performance. I hope to redeem myself.


  • bumpity bump, modify did not seem to bump it up so ppl know new post..
  • Tilter, at the risk of sounding condescending (which I don't mean to be) a 5K win for you is HUGE!  CONGRATULATIONS!

    I know you play relatively small stakes.  WTG on scoring a big payday by all accounts.

    In the 'stupid bet' hand, you failed to mention what it was you were holding.  What were you holding?

    Again, awesome news, a big payday, wtg.
  • all_aces wrote:
    Tilter, at the risk of sounding condescending (which I don't mean to be) a 5K win for you is HUGE! CONGRATULATIONS!

    I know you play relatively small stakes. WTG on scoring a big payday by all accounts.

    In the 'stupid bet' hand, you failed to mention what it was you were holding. What were you holding?

    Again, awesome news, a big payday, wtg.
    Thanks a lot aces. I was hoping to come first and get my own CPP Cover ;) But I am happy for myself, as my MSN name, which kept saying "Redemption" and such, so I did fairly well. Its always nice to win, but 1st is always sweeter. I've been playing a lot of good poker recently and it showed today. Maybe, I may take my game to the PS $200+15 tomorrow. I have yet to play it.
  • very nice finish, congrats!
  • I'd take it! Thats 2 grand better then my biggest win and I finished 1st!

  • Nice score!
  • nice payday, you friend picked a nice time to ask for a stake.
  • WTG Tilter!

    I have seen this guy in live action and I am not surprised he did well. Let me know if you need another friend to take 20% though.
  • Haha, thanks for the good words all. York, I could use a staked in the WSOP next year ;) 2K :) lol
  • Simple - come out and win 5 of my games and you have the whole buy in, plus airfare and hotel. AND you don't have to pay anyone out of your $25M us first prize from winning the big one.
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