online tells

I'm surprised at the number of pros who (supposedly) play online alot. Don't you think that playing online puts great players (or any player,for that matter) at a disadvantage because they've lost their ability to read their opponents? I'll admit there are a couple of online tells, but nowhere near the same experience as playing live. How do you guys deal with this problem?


  • It's pretty tough to pick up tells online. Betting patterns and instinct...thats all I go by.
  • Betting speed, table chat, and stack size are some online tells you can pick up.

    For example:
    The Quick Check

    A quick check by a player usually indicates a weak hand. If you are on the button and all the players before you checked quickly, you can probably take down the pot with a strong bet.

    However, be very careful if a player re-raises after checking quickly. In this situation, your opponent's early quick check was probably an attempt to trap you into betting into his strong hand....

    Source: Online Poker Center
  • A word of caution on betting speed:

    A slow response can simply mean that the person is otherwise occupied (doorbell, phonecall, urination needs). Or even worse, you could be playing a regular who's multitabling 5 tables, and has somehow gotten AA on all 5 at the same time... :)
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