should I have folded?? - hand for analysis.

I'm thinking in hindsight that I should have, but they could have also had A,K, or A,Q (as the one guy did).  Thoughts?

***** Hand History for Game 1965932977 *****
$1/$2 Hold'em - Thursday, April 28, 08:40:37 EDT 2005
Table Table  32468 (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 1: starter ( $44.72 )
Seat 3: RussTRake ( $16.25 )
Seat 4: KMC_Sin ( $63 )
Seat 5: CatPoker ( $35.25 )
Seat 6: Capela ( $114.75 )
Seat 7: for_no_one ( $46 )
Seat 9: LeGibet ( $45 )
Seat 10: backfire99 ( $49 )
Seat 2: paul3321 ( $39 )
for_no_one posts small blind [$0.5].
LeGibet posts big blind [$1].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to paul3321 [  Ks Kc ]
backfire99 folds.
starter raises [$2].
paul3321 raises [$3].
RussTRake folds.
KMC_Sin has left the table.
CatPoker did not respond in time.
CatPoker folds.
Capela folds.
for_no_one folds.
LeGibet raises [$3].
starter calls [$2].
paul3321 calls [$1].
** Dealing Flop ** [ As, 2h, Kd ]
LeGibet checks.
starter checks.
paul3321 bets [$1].
LeGibet raises [$2].
starter calls [$2].
paul3321 calls [$1].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9d ]
LeGibet bets [$2].
b07kee has joined the table.
starter raises [$4].
paul3321 calls [$4].
beemeupscoty has joined the table.
LeGibet calls [$2].
** Dealing River ** [ Qs ]
LeGibet checks.
starter bets [$2].
paul3321 calls [$2].
LeGibet calls [$2].
starter shows [ Ah, Ac ] three of a kind, aces.
paul3321 doesn't show [ Ks, Kc ] three of a kind, kings.
LeGibet doesn't show [ Ad, Qd ] two pairs, aces and queens.
starter wins $35.5 from  the main pot  with three of a kind, aces.


  • You are kidding, right? I'd have lost a lot more money on this hand. I would have been tempted to cap it on the flop and turn. I may have slowed down on the river if I figured someone bad enough to play a JT looking for the inside straight.

    Tough break but something like this will only happen 1 out of 25 times you have KK in a full ring game. I wouldn't be too worried about it every time.
  • Cap the flop, Cap the turn, Cap the river.

    Don't start seeing monsters under the bed.

    I'd be shocked if anyone actually made the straight on the river. You lose to one hand, rockets. Bet the hell out of it.
  • Same here...I'm going "broke" with that hand!!! :D
  • Fold? Not a chance.

    I probably would have bet raised at every opportunity. Calling would the alternative to raising here. I don't see how you can get away from this hand.

    Generally, I am going to lose a lot of money if I flop set under set against someone. (Just like Lee Jones said I would.)

    In this particular example, you are only beaten by AA and JT, and there are plenty of reasonable hands which you can beat that your opponents would be playing aggressively, and would be reasonable holdings. The real trouble is a typical low-limit opponent would probably jam (if not slowplaying) the flop and turn with hands like AK, 22 or maybe even Ax.1

    The point which I might (but still probably wouldn't) slow down is the river. If I had capped both the flop and the turn with the same player in each case, I may give that particular player credit for the AA and simply call that player's river bet. I have the feeling I'd still go ahead and raise it though.


    1Could a LL player really have hands like Ax or 22 after all that pre-flop action? Oh my, yes.
  • cap the flop and turn...capping the river after the guy doesnt slowdown is reckless and silly against all but maniacs...just call the river against an unknown.
  • cap the flop and turn...capping the river after the guy doesnt slowdown is reckless and silly against all but maniacs...just call the river against an unknown.

    Good advice if the players in your game have brains in their head, but this is $1/$2 limit and he's behind to exactly one hand. You don't think theres a wide range of hands your opponent can be betting on the river? You've got the 3rd nuts and it's 3 way action on the river, missing out on value bets here where your opponents are dying to make crying calls is bad.
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