Crazy Omaha 8/b at UB

In a recent log, Dave Scharf mentioned that the there are so many juicy Omaha 8/b games out there. He's so right! I suck at the game and I still feel like I'm a favourite in pretty much any online low-stakes limit O8/b game. Check out this nutty hand I recently played at ultimatebet (I've never seen so many family pots at a 10-person table before!)

Hand #5588159-1457 at Metropolis ($.50/$1 Omaha 8/b)
Powered by UltimateBet
Started at 28/Apr/05 02:50:59

JayLP is at seat 0 with $24.35.
nakedmolerat is at seat 1 with $54.95.
PhallicPhil is at seat 2 with $14.50.
sshanno is at seat 3 with $1.75.
renolady is at seat 4 with $43.80.
pcktaces1224 is at seat 5 with $43.80.
ruthless is at seat 6 with $31.20.
SvRoadie is at seat 7 with $30.75.
The Dude14 is at seat 8 with $20.
doops is at seat 9 with $41.
The button is at seat 4.

pcktaces1224 posts the small blind of $.25.
ruthless posts the big blind of $.50.
The Dude14 posts out of turn for $.50.

JayLP: -- -- -- --
nakedmolerat: -- -- -- --
PhallicPhil: Tc Td As 5c
sshanno: -- -- -- --
renolady: -- -- -- --
pcktaces1224: -- -- -- --
ruthless: -- -- -- --
SvRoadie: -- -- -- --
The Dude14: -- -- -- --
doops: -- -- -- --


SvRoadie calls. The Dude14 checks. doops calls.
JayLP calls. nakedmolerat calls. PhallicPhil calls.
sshanno raises to $1. renolady calls.
pcktaces1224 calls. ruthless calls. SvRoadie calls.
The Dude14 calls. doops calls. JayLP calls.
nakedmolerat calls. PhallicPhil calls.

Flop (board: Ts 7c 9d):

pcktaces1224 checks. ruthless checks. SvRoadie
checks. The Dude14 checks. doops checks. JayLP
bets $.50. nakedmolerat calls. PhallicPhil calls.
sshanno goes all-in for $.75. renolady calls.
pcktaces1224 folds. ruthless folds. SvRoadie calls.
The Dude14 folds. doops calls. JayLP calls.
nakedmolerat calls. PhallicPhil calls.

Turn (board: Ts 7c 9d 9c):

SvRoadie checks. doops checks. JayLP bets $1.
nakedmolerat calls. PhallicPhil raises to $2.
renolady calls. SvRoadie folds. doops calls.
JayLP re-raises to $3. nakedmolerat calls.
PhallicPhil re-raises to $4. renolady calls. doops
calls. JayLP calls. nakedmolerat calls.

River (board: Ts 7c 9d 9c Ac):

doops bets $1. JayLP raises to $2. nakedmolerat
calls. PhallicPhil re-raises to $3. renolady calls.
doops calls. JayLP calls. nakedmolerat calls.


PhallicPhil shows Tc Td As 5c.
PhallicPhil has Tc Td Ts 9d 9c: full house, tens full of nines (high).
PhallicPhil has no qualifying low hand.
sshanno shows 5s 2h Qs 3c.
sshanno has 5s Qs 9d 9c Ac: a pair of nines (high).
sshanno has no qualifying low hand.
renolady mucks cards.
(renolady has 5h Kc 6c 8c.)
doops mucks cards.
(doops has 8d Ad 2d 9h.)
JayLP mucks cards.
(JayLP has Jh 7d 7h 4s.)
nakedmolerat mucks cards.
(nakedmolerat has Jc Jd Ks 8h.)

Hand #5588159-1457 Summary:

$1 is raked from a total pot of $50.25.
$.70 is raked from the main pot of $15.25.
$.30 is raked from side pot #1 of $35.
PhallicPhil wins the main pot $14.55 with full house, tens full of nines.
PhallicPhil wins the side pot $34.70 with full house, tens full of nines.

I mean, are you kidding me? I was legitimately concerned that I got beat by Aces full on the river -- but nothing is sweeter in Omaha 8/b when the turn comes and you KNOW your probably going to scoop.



  • In a recent log, Dave Scharf mentioned that the there are so many juicy Omaha 8/b games out there.  He's so right!  I suck at the game and I still feel like I'm a favourite in pretty much any online low-stakes limit O8/b game.

    Yeah, the interesting thing about the current poker craze is that the vast majority of newer players seem to only know one game, holdem. When I learned to play (in my teens, I'm 37 now, so not exactly Methuselah) people mostly played at home games and those were always dealer's choice. That meant that even bad players couldn't help but learn the basics of a bunch of different games, and chances were that even when you ran into a game you'd never played, you knew something close enough to give you an idea of what a decent hand would be.

    Nowadays, it just doesn't work that way; people know how to play holdem, and that's it. And so they play holdem hands and style in other games, which just doesn't work. At low limits, I've found my ancient and somewhat shaky stud skills win me a buttload more money than my up-to-date and (IMHO) relatively competent holdem skills. I'm sure it won't last, but for now it's worth grabbing some money while the grabbings good.
  • Fold preflop.

    Playing A5TT isn't good. You basically made the only flop you'd be happy with.
    No real straight draws or flush draws and your A5 low sucks.

    And truthfully, you aren't really showing us much here in the way of bad play..

    Your opponents had:
    1) The flopped straight
    2) Full House Sevens
    3) Full House Nines

    damn right that pots gonna be capped every street.
  • Good, I am not alone in thinking this hand should have been folded preflop. It looks okay, but is going to get you in a lot of trouble over the long run. Muck it preflop.
  • Wow, you guys are totally harshing my buzz...

    (I didn't ask for a hand analysis here, I did say that I sucked at the game -- but I'll take the 50XBB pot)
  • The 2/4 game at UB is not very much different skillwise...
  • (I didn't ask for a hand analysis here,

    So then there was no point to your post at all?

    The hand itself isn't all that interesting, everyone had a half decent hand at the river.. You aren't looking for advice on the hand itself.... Oh, it's just a reverse bad beat post.. ok.. Nice pot.

  • I didn't ask for a hand analysis here

    /begin{infinite loop}

    Well, I didn't ask whether you had asked for a hand analysis...



    And, since no-one asked me, fold that piece of cheese pre-flop. :cool:

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