good lord

Just take a wild guess at what happens.. I'm Monty Python..

Hand #5587988- at Greensboro (Pot Limit Omaha)
Powered by UltimateBet
Started at 26/Apr/05 18:23:39

     Trefo is at seat 0 with $212.55.
     WhoWants2Mess is at seat 2 with $127.80.
     rcsixthman is at seat 4 with $52.50.
     SageFrancis is at seat 5 with $330.45.
     bgizzel is at seat 6 with $55.90.
     mrn is at seat 7 with $263.40.
     Monty Python is at seat 8 with $241.35.
     The button is at seat 6.
     mrn posts the small blind of $1.
     Monty Python posts the big blind of $2.

     Trefo:  -- -- -- --
     WhoWants2Mess:  -- -- -- --
     rcsixthman:  -- -- -- --
     SageFrancis:  -- -- -- --
     bgizzel:  -- -- -- --
     mrn:  -- -- -- --
     Monty Python:  7s Ad 7d 2c


          Trefo calls.   WhoWants2Mess folds.   rcsixthman calls.
            SageFrancis calls.   bgizzel calls.   mrn calls. 
          Monty Python checks.   

Flop (board: 3c 3h 7h):

          mrn bets $12.   Monty Python raises to $24.   Trefo
          folds.   rcsixthman folds.   SageFrancis folds. 
          bgizzel folds.   mrn calls.   

Turn (board: 3c 3h 7h 5d):

          mrn checks.   Monty Python bets $60.   mrn goes all-in
          for $237.40.   Monty Python goes all-in for $215.35. 
          mrn is returned $22.05 (uncalled).   

River (board: 3c 3h 7h 5d 4d):

        (no action in this round)


     mrn shows 3s 5s Kd Qd.
     mrn has 3s 5s 3c 3h 5d: full house, threes full of fives.
     Monty Python shows 7s Ad 7d 2c.
     Monty Python has 7s 7d 3c 3h 7h: full house, sevens full of threes.

Hand #5587988-1254 Summary:

     $3 is raked from a pot of $490.70.
     Monty Python wins $487.70 with full house, sevens full of threes.




  • you win a big pot? why the thumbs down?
  • Nice to see someone I know get the good end of that kind of exchange. I have been beat by Ks of Qs holding Qs over Ks. Bet it wisely. :D
  • so you guys can read the outcome, eh?

    I was testing a hide text thingy where you needed to highlight it to read it.


    but yeah, I won. Huzzah!
  • I thought that your full house was gonna lose to quad threes. Nice pot!
  • I got tricked too I thought quad 3's were coming for sure :D
    nh tho!
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