Only 19, so no WSOP for me, but here would be my strategy into WSOP

I've read multiple thread where people have been saying they will invest $100 or $200 to get into WSOP. Im an intermediate player I think, and am building up my way into WSOP 2006 (Ill be 21 by then).

So far this year I have invest $2 REAL MONEY and have a W$(World Money, for EPT, WPT, WSOP and WCOOP) of $500 in a month span. I've most been playing those $2+R tourneys (taking minimal risk as people as loose as hell in there). They have them running 6 times a day and $2 can be turned into W$33 easily. So you can make W$50 a day. I know one guy who did this with W$ by entering $27+R tourneys until he had 3 times the buyin of a Main Event Qualifier and then he would play one, if he lost he would try to make that entry again and kept doing it repeatively. On his 2nd try, he got the seat and minimal cost.

I just won a DS entry tonight, and unregistrated for W$160. These can also be converted into cash, through (about 83% rate which isn't bad). I think by the time WSOP 2006 comes around, I may even be able to buy into it directly (which I wouldn't tho, because its like losing 8K lol).

Well thats my strategy for those looking to enter the WSOP a cheap way, and have a lot of time on their hands, as it would take a while to build a hefty W$ roll that way. I think I will be entering 1 or 2 WCOOP events through this method, NL+R and NL. GL, and hopefully I'll see you all in the WSOP 2006 (May ante up for a sub event).


  • Hmm, maybe I need from tips on those turbos. I just can't seem to ever do well in them (although in general I try to avoid them since I feel like it's such a crapshoot). I guess I just prefer the regular tournies as you can be a little more selective, rather than just pushing...
  • ScoobyD wrote:
    Hmm, maybe I need from tips on those turbos. I just can't seem to ever do well in them (although in general I try to avoid them since I feel like it's such a crapshoot). I guess I just prefer the regular tournies as you can be a little more selective, rather than just pushing...
    Pretty much, sit tight early on only pushing with premium. Call pocket pairs loosely and hope to hit set. Later on, agression reigns supreme. You got QJ, JT, KJ and want to call, may as well raise min or 2.5x. Most likely people won't call due to blinds, but as always you want to do this in late position. If your short stacked, any premium, PP or Ax is good to go all in. And near the end, lots of people are stalling, so you may as well join the crowd if your desparate.

    I kinda enjoy these now, as compared to the regular tournies, these take 1.5 hours where as in a real tourney, this would take 4-5 hours.

    As you said about selectiveness, thats the thing you can pounce on in these tourneys, some people are over selective with the hands they will play. Its just that this is their only option into the WSOP so that have to play it. In Turbos, you got to be as loose as a....well you know... ;)
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