Poker Etiquette

Hi, I would like to find out what the proper thing to do when you are playing at a casino or a game where you dont know anyone except for 1 guy. 

Is it wrong to check it down if you and your buddy are the only ones in the pot?

I would rather take money off of other players rather than my buddy.

Also, wondering if you should let people know that you know each other or jus pretend not to know each other. I usually will chat with him and call him by his name. I dont feel anything is wrong with this, cause if you go to the casino, alot of regulars know each other.


  • I personally don't have a problem with friends playing on the same table - as long as they still play the game. It starts looking like questionable when you do things like one raises to get others to fold, you call and then just check to the showdown everytime. You should still play the hand like you would if he wasn't your friend. If you bet out, and he doesn't really have a hand, he should fold (or vice versa). If you feel bad about taking his money, you can always settle up later.
  • There is a saying in law: "Justice must not only BE done, it must be SEEN to be done."

    If two friends check it down, there is no harm in this (as long as they are legitimately playing prior to the moment at which it becomes heads up). But, it will tend to LOOK suspicious to the other players. In other words, even if you are on the level (justice is done) it will look suspicious (not SEEN to be done).

    My advice is:
    (1) kibitz and have as much fun with your friend as possible;
    (2) play out the hands in a honest way.

    I really enjoy playing with Ralph, Bob, and Devin from Team Canuck. I enjoy the game more if I have one or two friends at the table. But, I will bust their chops first chance I get. That's part of what MAKES it extra fun.

    Lifetime I believe I am down $10,000 to Ralph. But, it's all been setting a trap. At least, that's what I tell myself.
  • That's a hell of a trap.  Please feel free to trap me, as well.
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