Won a freeroll

I have been playing a bit of low limit holdem, and I just started trying some online tournaments last weekend. Tried a 2000 player freeroll, got knocked out very early. Tried a SNG, and finished 3rd (in the money). Tried another 2000 player freeroll, made the final table, and then went and won the thing for a whopping payout of $10.

This freeroll win obviously took a lot of time (like 4 1/2 hours), but it was a great learning experience. I was so tired at the end, that I was playing almost anything (raising unsuited connectors, any Ax, any two facecards, etc), partly just to get busted out and go to bed. I think playing this loose and aggressive sytle may have, in fact, helped me win the tourney. Anyone have any thoughts on style of play at the final table?
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