PokerOffice Analysis

I downloaded PokerOffice, and ran it with my Pokerstars stuff for a while, and it pulls some great numbers out. I love the statistics, and was wondering if this is a good program for the cost? ($69 US).

Any other good programs out there?

Also, does anyone on here do analysis of the numbers, able to point out mistakes i'm making?


  • I've heard alot of good things about PokerTracker. I think it's about the same price tag too. However, I had difficulty downloading the trail program, so I can't say firsthand how it helps. I'm trying to create a file for myself, but that's proving more difficult than I had originally thought too. I have setup a PokerAnalysis at CardPlayer, looks completely manual entry, but it's a start I guess. At least I will be able to record the outcomes of the games I play. I'll let you know how it turns out.
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