Call with Ace high

Im sure that every one at some time has called a bet with Ace high in the correct circumstances, but I was wondering if you have ever called with K or Q high in a NL cash or tourney?


  • wader wrote:
    Im sure that every one at some time has called a bet with Ace high in the correct circumstances, but I was wondering if you have ever called with K or Q high in a NL cash or tourney?

    I have done it with K high, I'm not sure if it was correct. The turn and the river were checked, I was in BB and called a LP min bet to see his cards and turns out I won. (he had a busted straight or something)

    I think it was about 20 to win 100 or something like that early in a SNG.

    If he would have doubled his bet or bet the flop/turn, I would have folded.

  • I've called with king high at various points in limit hold'em on the end.

    mainly because of some sort of large flop-agression and then a check on the turn, with a guy firing out again on the river.

    once again those calls though are likely more a matter of feel, and knowing the type of player you're up against.
  • I have called on K Q and 10 high. Fortunate for me the 10 high was due to some previous notes I had on the player and it was to bust him out so I did so :D I have also on K and Q and would say it has been 50/50 in results. Like mentioned earlier it depends on feel. I have had a number off people call me down with K or Q high and was only really caught once in a limit game.
  • I think a lot of money is lost by a lot of player calling with ace high on the river. Should you ever? Of course. But, many many players use "pot odds" on the river as an excuse to call when they should simply fold. Calling with two overcards is probably THE leak that hangs on longest as you journey from beginner to winner.
  • this is only somewhat related, but I got called in a cash game after putting my opponent all in on a bluff, all i had was K high, worst part is, he called, and I still won! I'll never ever understand why that happened.
  • There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio...

    I think it's Lee Jones' book that comments, "The wierdest thing in low limit games is sometimes you will bluff, get called, and still win!"

    The mistakes is thinking that your opponent is thinking. He's not. He's calling, not thinking.
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