Omaha Hand

Look at what i flopped and look at what i ended up winning this hand with ... gotta love omaha.

Hand #5415069-702 at Onadego (Pot Limit Omaha)
Powered by UltimateBet
Started at 15/Apr/05 02:54:45

mba_pokerpro is at seat 0 with $59.10.
David_Nicoson is at seat 1 with $86.35.
rolarock is at seat 2 with $72.75.
Chugsalot is at seat 3 with $62.25.
shroomie108 is at seat 4 with $19.30.
bflat is at seat 5 with $43.20.
ezeke is at seat 6 with $59.45.
joenin is at seat 7 with $192.30.
Bad_2_thebone is at seat 8 with $21.50.
dtydad is at seat 9 with $16.20.
The button is at seat 2.

Chugsalot posts the small blind of $.25.
shroomie108 posts the big blind of $.50.

mba_pokerpro: -- -- -- --
David_Nicoson: -- -- -- --
rolarock: -- -- -- --
Chugsalot: 9h 4h Th Td
shroomie108: -- -- -- --
bflat: -- -- -- --
ezeke: -- -- -- --
joenin: -- -- -- --
Bad_2_thebone: -- -- -- --
dtydad: -- -- -- --


bflat folds. ezeke calls. joenin calls.
Bad_2_thebone calls. dtydad calls. mba_pokerpro
calls. David_Nicoson folds. rolarock calls.
Chugsalot calls. shroomie108 checks.

Flop (board: Ts 8h 2s):

Chugsalot checks. shroomie108 checks. ezeke checks.
joenin bets $2. Bad_2_thebone folds. dtydad
calls. mba_pokerpro calls. rolarock folds.
Chugsalot raises to $14. shroomie108 folds. ezeke
folds. joenin calls. dtydad folds. mba_pokerpro

Turn (board: Ts 8h 2s Jh):

Chugsalot bets $36. joenin calls.

River (board: Ts 8h 2s Jh 7h):

Chugsalot goes all-in for $11.75. joenin calls.


Chugsalot shows 9h 4h Th Td.
Chugsalot has 9h Th 8h Jh 7h: straight flush, jack high.
joenin mucks cards.
(joenin has 8s 7s 7d Ks.)

Hand #5415069-702 Summary:

$3 is raked from a pot of $131.50.
Chugsalot wins $128.50 with straight flush, jack high.

Flop top set and river a straight flush


  • You suck.

    I mean, Nh sir. :)


    PS: I really like joenin's play on this hand.
  • Nice. Your opponent should have folded on every single street. He even decided to bet once! :cool:

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