Stars Sunday 350K Guaranteed here I come!

I just wanted to thank Sloth for setting up the Canadian National Poker League and thank all of the founding members for beleiving in it.  We just had our first satellite that will be sending me to this Sunday's 350K guaranteed on pokerstars. 
I have watched several of our members play in this on Sundays and have always wanted to pony up the cash to do so, CNPL has given me the chance to play for a reasonable price.  Here's to hoping I don't see all_aces, Harthgosh or Timesmog across from me at the table or any other solid CPF member for that matter...
The following players all have a 50% cut of my potential winning's:


I calculate your percentage of the 1st place prize to be apoxiamately $12,000 US each.  We do this for our dreams dont we?



  • Best of luck to you stpboy.  I'm working Sunday, but I should be home by 8 or so, and I'll log on to Stars hoping to see you still battling it out.  Don't give your opponents too much credit--there are a lot of weak players in that field of 2200 or so.  Of course, as always, it depends on your table draw.
  • Good luck and you probably know some names to look out for. I saw a fantastic smooth call by Jdredd a week or two ago. Must have been less than 100 people left, maybe even 50 or so and he knocked out 3 people with AA.

    Go for it.
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