Limit Hold'em vs. No-Limit Hold'em

I've got a bit frustrated from finishing 4th (or 5th in 2 table games) too many times to count in SnG games, so i decided to try something different and started playing some Limit Hold'em.    Played 10 games and have won 5 already in the last 2 days.   

I was reading something by gallo in an earlier thread, and i think sometimes I played to the coin-flip late in games a bit.    What are the differences in strategy between  NLH and LH?    I play a lot more hands in Limit early, and am usually very tight in NLH.

On a side note, played the 11:59 $3+R tourney last night to get into the 350K sunday game on Pstars.   Finished 20th out of about 350 players, for a great result.   Missed out on a spot by 1, but came away with $49 in cash.   Not bad.     It was a breakthrough tournament for me, folding a lot of hands i would consider calling, and slowplaying more hands with the ability to fold them if my cards don't come up.


  • I think that you might mean me (gallo = Garro ????)

    And hell I should take my own advice.

    I was in the #1 position in last night 10+1 NLHE freezeout (20000+ in chips after 2 hours of play) and blew it all in the next hour by playing to many coin flip hands... LOL. That will teach me. Damn me anyhow...

    Congrats on the 20 place finish those $3+R tourneys can be insane.

    As for limit play I don't know. I only play Low-Limit ring, and basically bet when I have a hand.

    I imagine that bluffing doesn't play so well in limit tourneys, since often if a person has followed you to the river he is probably going to call that last bet anyhow. I find that with limit that you should almost always have something at showdown, a bluff rarely wins.
  • Speaking of coin flips has anyone tried to quantify a system to make it easier. Say call for a coin toss if it is less than 25% of your stack and is for more that 10BB? I would think these would be a good rule of thumb to figure out for the forum.

  • garro wrote:
    I think that you might mean me (gallo = Garro ????)

    And hell I should take my own advice.

    I was in the #1 position in last night 10+1 NLHE freezeout (20000+ in chips after 2 hours of play) and blew it all in the next hour by playing to many coin flip hands... LOL. That will teach me. Damn me anyhow...

    Congrats on the 20 place finish those $3+R tourneys can be insane.

    As for limit play I don't know. I only play Low-Limit ring, and basically bet when I have a hand.

    I imagine that bluffing doesn't play so well in limit tourneys, since often if a person has followed you to the river he is probably going to call that last bet anyhow. I find that with limit that you should almost always have something at showdown, a bluff rarely wins.

    Yeah, it was you, lol. Great advice to pass on some hands that look good on all in, but slow playing with an option to get out is safer to a big stack.
  • Watch some of the limite events in the 04 WSOP.....very interesting play late in to the tourney, lots of bluffing...
  • Phippo44 wrote:
    Watch some of the limite events in the 04 WSOP.....very interesting play late in to the tourney, lots of bluffing...

    Just remember that they don't show all the hands on TV, usually only the "exciting" ones.
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