Playing with the chip Lead

Playing the MT tournament on stars on the weekend. This is the super sat to the 650+15 for the WSOP.

I am the chip leader with 19000. The next closest is around 14000. The closest at my table ( and many of them) are around 10000. 27 players left, top 6/7 go to the next tournament.

I am in early position with AK :c:. Raise to 600 (blinds are 100/200) and get no callers but the big blind. He has 9800 in chips and makes it 2000. I call ( question 1 was this wrong. Should i have folded).

Flop comes A K 6 of :s: . He bets out 1600. I really have to put him on a high pair at this moment. I believe my hand could be vulnerable so I push all in to get to end the pot. ( question 2 was this wrong. I have notes on this player as a good aggressive player).
To my surprise he calls and shows me two kings.

Next hand my trip 8s get hammered by trip Js and I am out. :rage:

(The Main question) What would you say has to be the number one concern of the chip leader, should you avoid all confrontation with others. I really did think I was ahead on the first hand.


  • On my saturday game whe where four left on the table. (bubble)

    I add a four to one lead on the second in chip.

    I finished on the bubble... :(

    Bad river or lucky opponents...

    I say let them fight it over..... thats what il do next time. Pocket aces or not.
  • Dead Money wrote:
    Playing the MT tournament on stars on the weekend. This is the super sat to the 650+15 for the WSOP.

    I am the chip leader with 19000. The next closest is around 14000. The closest at my table ( and many of them) are around 10000. 27 players left, top 6/7 go to the next tournament.

    I am in early position with AK :c:. Raise to 600 (blinds are 100/200) and get no callers but the big blind. He has 9800 in chips and makes it 2000. I call ( question 1 was this wrong. Should i have folded).

    Flop comes A K 6 of  :s: . He bets out 1600. I really have to put him on a high pair at this moment. I believe my hand could be vulnerable so I push all in to get to end the pot. ( question 2 was this wrong. I have notes on this player as a good aggressive player).
    To my surprise he calls and shows me two kings.

    Next hand my trip 8s get hammered by trip Js and I am out. :rage:

    (The Main question) What would you say has to be the number one concern of the chip leader, should you avoid all confrontation with others. I really did think I was ahead on the first hand.

    DM what's his nic?
  • mine is Dillo, The other guy ???
  • Dead Money wrote:
    mine is Dillo, The other guy ???
    can you check hand histories ???
  • played too many hands since then.
  • Dead Money wrote:
    played too many hands since then.
    too bad :p we want to know :D
  • who is we?
  • There were 27 players remaining in the tournament with 10,000 being the average stack. You have 19,000. Okay, to my thinking, 27 players x 10k in chips = 270K chips in play. Final Table is 9 players, so 270K/9 = 30,000. The average stack at the final table will be in the neighborhood of 30K, so at 19K you still need chips. You can not avoid confrontation - with the chip lead you have the benefit of playing strong to accumulate the blinds, etc, and to force heads up play, but you still need to play. You were dealt AK suited - this is a premium hand. You have to play the hand (in fact, I probably would have re-raised preflop - make your opponent commit to the hand preflop). When the flop comes, you hit your hand. You can not get away. "Pay the man."

    If the raiser was a tight player who only raises with the premium stuff, then your poker senses must come into play. Aces or Kings are the only hands I would be wary of. If your read of your opponent was strong enough to say "he has aces or kings" then, yes you probably should have folded to fight another day. Any other hand and you are a coin flip from eliminating an opponent and giving yourself final table chips.
  • I am the chip leader with 19000. The next closest is around 14000. The closest at my table ( and many of them) are around 10000. 27 players left, top 6/7 go to the next tournament.

    As Saskatoon has pointed out, you still need some more chips. About 40K will guarantee a seat. So, you will want to accumulate chips.

    I am in early position with AK . Raise to 600 (blinds are 100/200) and get no callers but the big blind. He has 9800 in chips and makes it 2000. I call ( question 1 was this wrong. Should i have folded).

    4100 in the pot.

    Flop comes A K 6 of . He bets out 1600. I really have to put him on a high pair at this moment. I believe my hand could be vulnerable so I push all in to get to end the pot.

    This doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If he has a high pair BELOW a king, then you are not that vulnerable.

    You don't state the size of his stack, but I will assume it is 10K. He bets 1600, he has 6400 left. You move in. He is offered 6400 into a pot of 13,700. He is getting enough odds to call with a fliush draw. And, he might have a big pair.

    You can't price him out of the pot. So, your choices are (1) mitigate losses; or (2) make this into a massive confrontion for a lot of chips. As the chip leader, I prefer to go slow. I don't want to wade into a big confrontation (although this hand is beg and getting bigger).

    Call. Or, raise him to 4,000. If he moves in you can fold. He has A-A, K-K, A-K, A-Q (with the queen of spades), or a made flush with suited connectors. Mitigate loss and fold.

    ( question 2 was this wrong. I have notes on this player as a good aggressive player).
    To my surprise he calls and shows me two kings.
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