Bubble out with AA

***** Hand History for Game 1860777031 *****
NL Hold'em Trny:11095213 Level:14 Blinds (1000/2000) - Thursday, April 07, 20:49:02 EDT 2005
Table $5,000 Players Club Freeroll(300320) Table #4 (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 2: FlailMonkey9 ( $15550 )
Seat 3: justyrjz ( $117646 )
Seat 4: VanillaAce ( $26237 )
Seat 9: bnakao1 ( $32146 )
Seat 1: CrazySara13 ( $7030 )
Seat 7: chiprice2 ( $6976 )
Seat 5: nypr53 ( $15936 )
Seat 8: Aardvark47 ( $96850 )
Seat 10: sting405 ( $35021 )
Trny:11095213 Level:14
Blinds (1000/2000)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to VanillaAce [ Ah Ac ]
nypr53 folds.
chiprice2 folds.
Aardvark47 folds.
bnakao1 folds.
sting405 folds.
CrazySara13 folds.
FlailMonkey9 folds.
justyrjz raises [3000].
VanillaAce raises [6000].
justyrjz calls [4000].
** Dealing Flop ** [ Kc, 2c, 6s ]
justyrjz bets [2000].
VanillaAce raises [9000].
justyrjz calls [7000].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 9s ]
justyrjz checks.
VanillaAce is all-In [9237]
justyrjz calls [9237].
** Dealing River ** [ Jh ]
justyrjz shows [ Qc, Tc ] a straight, nine to king.
VanillaAce shows [ Ah, Ac ] a pair of aces.
Player VanillaAce finished in 36 place
justyrjz wins 52474 chips from the main pot with a straight, nine to king.
VanillaAce has left the table.
TNstud1970 has joined the table.
Player TNstud1970 has been moved from $5,000 Players Club Freeroll(300320) Table #1 table

top 30 got paid. I don't think the outcome would have changed at any point during this hand, with his stack he probably would have called down with the flush and gutshot. But damn thats annoying. :rage::rage:


  • Yeah it hurts, but it happens X percent of the time. So do all possible hands.

    That same scenario took away 3/4 of my stack in the wsop $650 sat I played. The guy who took me allin preflop, had a lower pair, and he then wrapped a gutshot straight around it to kill my Aces.

    I've folded them before too, but it's a tough call. But preflop, it's a very very tough call. lol
    Chalk it up to experience. It happens. :(
  • I know it was just a bad beat, and there was no way I was layin them down preflop, especially to a raise in SB from chip leader looking to steal and pushing around avg stack. Oh well it was only 1,000 party points!
  • Soup66 wrote:
    ***** Hand History for Game 1860777031 *****
    NL Hold'em  Trny:11095213 Level:14 Blinds (1000/2000) - Thursday, April 07, 20:49:02 EDT 2005
    Table $5,000 Players Club Freeroll(300320) Table #4 (Real Money)
    Seat 2 is the button
    Total number of players : 9
    Seat 2: FlailMonkey9 ( $15550 )
    Seat 3: justyrjz ( $117646 )
    Seat 4: VanillaAce ( $26237 )
    Seat 9: bnakao1 ( $32146 )
    Seat 1: CrazySara13 ( $7030 )
    Seat 7: chiprice2 ( $6976 )
    Seat 5: nypr53 ( $15936 )
    Seat 8: Aardvark47 ( $96850 )
    Seat 10: sting405 ( $35021 )
    Trny:11095213 Level:14
    Blinds (1000/2000)
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to VanillaAce [  Ah Ac ]
    nypr53 folds.
    chiprice2 folds.
    Aardvark47 folds.
    bnakao1 folds.
    sting405 folds.
    CrazySara13 folds.
    FlailMonkey9 folds.
    justyrjz raises [3000].
    VanillaAce raises [6000]. i would've moved it all in here! what do u all think ???
    justyrjz calls [4000].

    top 30 got paid. I don't think the outcome would have changed at any point during this hand, with his stack he probably would have called down with the flush and gutshot. But damn thats annoying. :rage::rage:
    my comment above in yellow :D
  • I think the guy with jacks would call the all-in bet most of the time anyhow. It depends how he's played up to that point too. He could put you on Ax or worse, not the AA hand you have. I say 70/30, he's gonna call anyways. Seen it happen many times late in tourneys. Even 3 or 4 people all-in, with pocket pairs each. It's a jungle out there. lol
  • DJP wrote:
    I think the guy with jacks would call the all-in bet most of the time anyhow. It depends how he's played up to that point too. He could put you on Ax or worse, not the AA hand you have. I say 70/30, he's gonna call anyways. Seen it happen many times late in tourneys. Even 3 or 4 people all-in, with pocket pairs each. It's a jungle out there. lol
    the way i see it: justyrjz is chip leader and it's only 3,000 more to him. he'll pretty much call the 3,000. i move all in and if he calls me...i'm not gonna hate it

    i only raise it to 6,000 he calls with small to mid pocket and hits a set i'm not gonna like it

  • Small stacks also get more jumpy when it's that late too. You always have to worry about the guy with a mediocre hand calling you, and then hitting the nuts. I've laid down big hands preflop, late in tourneys when too many people are allin ahead of me, or I'm out of position etc. Sometimes it saves you a bundle. Sometimes it costs you a win. The tough part is picking the ones that pay you off, each time. hehe
  • Soup66 wrote:
    ***** Hand History for Game 1860777031 *****
    NL Hold'em  Trny:11095213 Level:14 Blinds (1000/2000) - Thursday, April 07, 20:49:02 EDT 2005
    Table $5,000 Players Club Freeroll(300320) Table #4 (Real Money)
    Seat 2 is the button
    Total number of players : 9
    Seat 2: FlailMonkey9 ( $15550 )
    Seat 3: justyrjz ( $117646 )
    Seat 4: VanillaAce ( $26237 )
    Seat 9: bnakao1 ( $32146 )
    Seat 1: CrazySara13 ( $7030 )
    Seat 7: chiprice2 ( $6976 )
    Seat 5: nypr53 ( $15936 )
    Seat 8: Aardvark47 ( $96850 )
    Seat 10: sting405 ( $35021 )
    Trny:11095213 Level:14
    Blinds (1000/2000)
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to VanillaAce [  Ah Ac ]
    nypr53 folds.
    chiprice2 folds.
    Aardvark47 folds.
    bnakao1 folds.
    sting405 folds.
    CrazySara13 folds.
    FlailMonkey9 folds.
    justyrjz raises [3000].
    VanillaAce raises [6000]. i would've moved it all in here! what do u all think ???
    justyrjz calls [4000].

    top 30 got paid. I don't think the outcome would have changed at any point during this hand, with his stack he probably would have called down with the flush and gutshot. But damn thats annoying. :rage::rage:
    my comment above in yellow  :D

    Thats the only way I could have seen playing it different, but juding by his stack and outs he would have called anyways.
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