pokerrroom 1k event

Im in it right now. please let me winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn gooooooooooooddddddddddddddddddddddddd


  • just doubled.. my JJ beat 88. preflop cut off raises, i reraise from the button.
    Pot is HU 8 high on the flop, weak bet by the 888, i call. Q on the turn, another weak bet i call.

    J on the river. strong bet by 888 i reraise allin 888 calls.

  • Another forumer, The_Gamblar is in.

    Whats your username?
  • using

    the donut

    lol not my account
  • gl gl gl :)
  • wow

    i didnt even get my own name right

    its actually

    donut boy

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