Hand Histories saved locally at Stars now

The new update appears to allow locally saved hand histories in Stars now and the autoimport appears to be working in PT according to this thread.
Apparently you cannot save hands from observed tables though, only ones you play in.


Guess I will give it a whirl tonight.


  • Great just once i had given up on pokerstars, they've got something new to sucker me into trying to beat them again.
  • The Gametime window works flawlessly, just the way it does on Party. Unlike Party the formatting of the locally saved hand histories is the same as the one they email you.
  • Why didn't I get this update? Am I the only one?

    Maybe I should uninstall/reinstall, since it's not updating automatically.
  • Chris wrote:
    Why didn't I get this update? Am I the only one?

    Maybe I should uninstall/reinstall, since it's not updating automatically.

    That's strange, maybe its a load balancing thing on their servers. Imagine thousands upon thousands of players downloading updates simultaneously. It would bring the server and/or bandwitdh availability to its knees. Give it a couple of days or email support.
  • Update: I still don't have this new feature. :rage:

    It's really strange because I was at a friends house and decided to play a sng on stars. As soon as I ran the program it downloaded the new update. I guess I'm going to have to uninstall and reinstall...
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