Dave Scharf 2 to my left.

And he CHOOSES to sit there. Maybe he thinks I'll be nice to him. $100 SNG, all_aces vs. DAS_DAS at Paradise.

It's all over but the crying. (For Dave, not me).


  • Do tell! Do tell! I want deets.

    You can choose your seats in a SNG? Interesting...

    Isn't it generally better to be to the left of a maniac? :wink:
  • Dave: 3415
    Me: 770

    We haven't played a pot together yet, really. Dave won a big pot with quads when 2 players called his all-in (both had boats). I just folded Ah5s to an all-in river raise on a board of 7h 4h 2s 3h 4c.
  • Pretty lucky 77 hand
  • aces... you think I will sit tight until the money?
  • I have a feeling your chips will be in play.
  • sukced out on aces' AK with A on flop... but I didn't bust him. He escaped. Argh.
  • I just lost a pretty big pot to Dave... had to lay down AK on a board of A 9 8 5 rainbow. He moved in on the turn, showed 67 suited after I folded. I'm pretty sure those were the details, anyways.
  • C'mon guys. You should know that this thread should go under "Advertising".

    This is clearly spam, since you're basically implying that the games at Paradise are so soft that you're guaranteed to have at least 2 chumps at the table in each $100 SNG.



  • This reminds me of: "Morpheus is fightin' Neo!"

    Wish I could watch it... :cool:

  • YOu can... BBC Z is
  • It's kind of a sick sit'n'go because I can't miss a hand. Whatever I need gets there
  • I am having a completely opposite experience, but loving every minute of it.
  • Board of KJ87 all aces move in 400 and i folded KT... IT was close... nice bet
  • Nothing like spikin the ace only to have your opponent make a set.. delicious.
  • lol

    yep I'm out... heading to 50/100 with 600 or so, I see AJ and reraise all-in, AJ vs QQ flop AQx arg arg arg. Time for round two. Hopefully Dave busts out soon so we can have a rematch.
  • saw the ace first and thought aces was through...

  • can't have a rematch... finish this and then parenting duties call
  • Chicken.
  • cluck cluck cluck
  • Ah... victory.

    Easy when the deck runs you over.
  • Well played. Yeah, you were hitting, but you made the maximum on those hands. Awesome last hand too. Congrats!
  • My opponent seemed to bet his hand. So, to quote Greg Raymer "He didn't give me any reason to believe that I didn't have the best hand." I wasn't sure, but since he never played back I liked my chances.
  • Well since i got two spokesman sitting around here, what is the story on paradise.


    what are it's strengths it's weaknesses etc... we've obviously identified one big weakness, having to play against you two at $100 SNGs
  • SNG's are pretty good... I seem to have done the best at those there so far. I played some 20/40 and it was a little insane. I got clobbered by very unusual hands. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I'll let you decide. They seem to have a lot of MTT's, although obviously if that's what you're after, Stars is the place to play. Overall, I think Paradise is a great site, especially if you're looking for a change for whatever reason. Worth a look, anyways.
  • how's their bonus? if any :confused:
    easy to clear? requirements?
    CO :)
  • I find that the MTT at Stars are tougher than other MTT's (Paradise and Party).

    The big games at Paradise 20-40 and 40-80 are pretty tough. But, that's nothing new. I also find the $10-20 short handed game tough.

    I have not played a lot of SNG at Paradise. I used to play a lot of SNG, but I rarely do now. My tastes are in constant flux. Right now, SNG aren't really a big part of what i do.

    I play almost no "big bet" poker online. I find that NL and PL take a lot more focus and, frankly, I don't focus well online so I avoid them.

    Paradise compares very favoruably with the other big sites. Hard to spot any real glaring differences between them. Paradise has started the "Paradise Million" as their verson of the Party Cruise, Stars Cruise, or UB Aruba. In this case, however, it's every three months and the final table only is flown to a "paradise" location to finish the tournament live. Personally, I find that very sexy. My guess is that the final ten (plus spouses) will be treated to a remarkably good time. That has more appeal to me than a cruise ship filled with poker players, but that is a matter of taste.

    Bonuses... I am embarassed to admit I rarely notice bonuses. But (here comes the shill) Paradise is doubling the prize pool in the first Team Canuck Poker tournament on April 30. And, they will be bountying DAS_DAS (me) FastWilly (Ralph) and turniptruck (Bob) at $50 a head. all_aces has been forced to withdraw because, get this, of a "wedding." I told him, "Hey, there is always another wedding, but when will there be another poker game?" But, he seems committed to this so called wedding (not even his own!). Anyway, I am thrilled to have TCP associatted with Paradise and I am really happy with the support they are giving this tournament. So, not strictly a bonus, but is sort of is. Cost will be $10+1.
  • all_aces has been forced to withdraw because, get this, of a "wedding." I told him, "Hey, there is always another wedding, but when will there be another poker game?" But, he seems committed to this so called wedding (not even his own!).
  • My God! Then he has the gaul to laugh at me.

    Wedding, indeed!
  • In my own case, it would be Dave Scharf to my right. lol

    About 2 years ago now, the first casino tourney I played in was a local NLHE event. After mentioning the fact I was going, to a few people at work, they all mentioned hearing that Dave Scharf plays a bunch of poker, is pretty good at it, and just might be there. lol

    My seat assignment puts me left of Dave, and to the right of another fellow he introduced to me as, "This is (forgot name) and he's a pretty good player."

    My immediate thought was, wtf am I doing here. lol

    ---forgot to add the "2 years ago" part---- my bad
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