Online angle shooting

Last night, I had the misfortune of playing in a MTT (partypoker of course), where one player would literally take 20-30 seconds every time the play was to them. EVERY TIME! Then of course there was the constant stream of abuse directed against the player, so I had to disable the chat function.

Makes me wonder if that strategy really works for them, or if they are just being childish because they can.

Anyway, I am now all the more appreciative of a well run live tournament.


  • It probably does help them to get into the money. You see a lot of that when you get close to the bubble. It works but it *is* annoying...
  • While i don't outright slow play hands, i am contious of the movement of the blinds and when they're escalating.

    I do my part to manipulate the clock ever so slightly to try and keep myself within the current blinds, to my maximum benefit and ensure where possible with minimum effort (10 seconds here and there), that the short stacks get dinged with the inceases in blinds. This is something i do more in a SNG environment, and near the bubble.

    You'll also find this phenomenon in stars satellites, except it'll be everyone at the table (or at least 6-7) rather than 1-2 doing it. Those stars guys will take any edge they can get :) The funny thing is with the structure at stars (antes etc...), if you're a low stack (10-15) but not short stack you actually want to see play go faster. When the next blind escalation happens you'll be a short stack, right now you still have some weopons, but the slow play is taking it away from you.
  • I understand how it can be an edge later in the tournament, closer to the money, as blinds are increasing, etc, but this guy was doing it right from the get go, every single time. Blinds go up every 5 minutes, and we were averaging only 7 or 8 hand at each level. The only edge I can see him getting was by pissing everyone off to put them on tilt. Which I suppose was working to an extent, although he didn't seem like he was that good to take advantage of it.

    Then again, he did last longer than me, so what do I know. :)
  • Not sure about the stalling immediately, but maybe it does, as well as the table talking. Where you usually may fold AQ to a solid player if he raises all in, you may call this quirky player if he ticked you off. Also with all the name calling and stalling, you don't remember the good hands hes played, just the bad ones and all the stalling hes done. I guess its a way of modeling table image.
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