Double Charged Buy In - Party

Im just wondering if anyone else has experienced the double charged transaction and the best way to go about it. At party I did a buy in where the first attempt came back with an error message, so I did it again right after and it worked fine, today my credit statement shows that I was charged for the same amount on the same day at Party. So it looks like the initial declined buy in was actually charged. Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know the best way to go about it?
Cheers, Anton!


  • If it's Neteller, you have to call them up and get the transaction code before party will credit the money..

    Just call up support, Im sure it happens all the time.
  • it was with credit card..i just use neteller to withdraw...i guess it couldnt hurt to give them a call though
  • keep us post Anton81 :eek:
    hope ya get things fixed swiftly :)
  • Yes, I got it figured out...
    Apparently, transactions during holidays like Easter and Christmas, banking systmes can go offline. When My initial transaction was done a few days earlier it did not go through until after the easter weekened when the systems went back up online. And that same day I did a seperate on by bank statement it showed that two transactions for the same amount had gone through that day when one actually did and the other was carried over from before the weekend...The deposit with the error transaction never did go through. So everything is Eh okay!

    The system im doing right now is a pain with all this depositing and withdrawing ...but it is working fairly well so far. so ill keep doing it. At least i know about the online, offline systems now.
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