$10 Sit and Go hand from last night was I wrong to Call?

So last night I was up late and decided to play a little poker before bed.

I haven't been playing a lot lately just the Bi-Weekly Members Tourneys mostly. I made a call on a hand that generated a lot of table talk after I sucked out an won the hand. I don't think it was that bad of a call.

Here is the Situation

PokerStars Game #1435281388: Tournament #6528550, Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200)
Table '6528550 1' Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Soothing8 (485 in chips)
Seat 2: Kc71486 (1185 in chips)
Seat 3: GoSpeedGo (9460 in chips)
Seat 4: crispy4505 (3275 in chips)
Seat 5: Saur (2455 in chips)
Seat 6: Garro (2950 in chips)
Seat 7: pierceyboy15 (2990 in chips)
Seat 9: NutFlushKen (4200 in chips)
Kc71486: posts small blind 100
GoSpeedGo: posts big blind 200

crispy4505: folds
Saur: folds

For the most part this table has been fairly tight with a lot of folding pre-flop or folding after the flop to a large sized bet. Fairly predictable playing for all the player involved. I am in 5th Chip position (as you can see) with about an average stack. So UTG and UTG +1 fold and I have.

*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Garro [9c Td]

I decide to try to steal the blinds. I know that it is not a great hand (though it is a personal favorite of mine) however I am prepared to fold to a large re-raise, from one of the larger stacks.

So I make a standard 3x raise (I have been raising 3x consistently when coming in, and when I have been called down the few times have been able to show big starting hands.) thus there is really nothing in my betting that would have given away my hand.

Garro: raises 400 to 600
pierceyboy15: folds
NutFlushKen: folds
Soothing8: folds
Kc71486: raises 585 to 1185 and is all-in
GoSpeedGo: folds

So here is the part which generated a lot of discussion (and some name calling afterwards). The pot size at this point after his all in is just under 2k (including the blind) and it is only going to cost me another 585 to see the bet. If I call and lose I will have just under 9 big bets left not a lot but considering the table not bad. So I decide that it is worth the risk and call.

Garro: calls 585

*** FLOP *** [4c Jh 3c]
*** TURN *** [4c Jh 3c] [Qd]
Sow21 [observer] said, "9 10 lolk"
*** RIVER *** [4c Jh 3c Qd] [Th]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Kc71486: shows [7d 7h] (a pair of Sevens)
Garro: shows [9c Td] (a pair of Tens)

Kc71486 said, "god"
Sow21 [observer] said, "wow.."
Garro collected 2570 from pot
Kc71486 [observer] said, "are u kidding me"

So I sucked out on the river.

So after this the name calling starts, however even if it was a lose call, I still do not think that it was terrible. Maybe a bit risky but not terrible.

Would anyone else have made this call?


  • Once you've made that preflop raise i dont think you can fold for only 585 more. I definately wouldnt fold in your spot.
  • The EV break even point for a call here is about 30%, so you need to believe your hand has at least that much of a chance of winning to call here based solely on EV.

    It's probably pretty close, and really depends on what range of hands you give your opponent credit for. The call is most certainly not as bad as it would look to a non-thinking player (e.g. the opponents who are berating you).

    As for the name calling, I would just uncheck the "Player Chat" and "Observer Chat" boxes and play on. More and more, I find myself lacking the energy to listen to the online poker crybabies.

  • ScottyZ wrote:
    It's probably pretty close, and really depends on what range of hands you give your opponent credit for. The call is most certainly not as bad as it would look to a non-thinking player (e.g. the opponents who are berating you).

    I basically put him on A single Ace {EDIT:} at best, with a crappy kicker. Since he was the second smallest stack at the table, I figured he would be playing a fairly large range of hands. I certainly did not put him on the pocket 7's. Or any large pair.

    Like a said we had not seen a lot of flops at this table, and a lot of players were folding to a significant re-raise. I guess he thought I would as well.
  • not a terrible call heads up. it wasn't a substantial re-raise. call yourself gus and him antonio and replay the hand...
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    call yourself gus and him antonio and replay the hand...


    I never would have thought of a 9T as a Gus hand. Maybe T7 or 96 or the like...
  • Look what happened though:

    1) You were first to raise - the steal had fold equity
    2) As Scotty mentioned you had decent pot odds. The fact he's tight, even if he had AK you may have correct odds to call.
    3) Your read was pretty good on the call. You ended up being a coinflip and won. What did you want im to have on the call? Arag? Abig? A little pair or Arag is probably what you wanted to see.

    Good call.
  • Let them cry about it. It is not as if his all-in on a pair of 7s is dominating.

    I think if you had gone all-in for your entire stack it would be questionable but it was only a few more chips. Let them mope.

    How did the tourney end up for you?
  • Alas I busted out 5th a few short hands later...

    I got KK on the button.

    The big stack UTG at the table made a 4x raise followed by a re-raise from UTG +1 to 2000 I had about 4000 in chips at that point and felt that my kings where good and pushed all in.

    The Big stack UTG pushed all in over top of me and got UTG +1 to fold. He showed AJ off and rivered hmself an Ace.

    Ah well thats how it goes sometimes. :)
  • There's one other reason why I like the call here (and berating afterward); table image.

    You've just raised with a marginal hand and everyone saw it. To people paying attention, this type of play should generate good action on your better hands as they won't now be giving you credit for premium hands when you raise.
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