bad decision? what went wrong? why?

307 left in the tourney MTT NL
47 til the $

avg stack 30,000
me 38,000

blinds 4000/8000

so i get AJo UTG...i decided to play :frown:
raised it to 16000 ....8000 more
folded around to MP who goes all in for 23000

now folded to BB who goes all in for 29000

so about 21000 more to me ( leaving me about 9150 )

MP's been going all in constantly and i had more chips than BB but not significantly and i already have 8000 in there....thinking my AJo is good

i go ahead and call

MP flips over AJo :eek:
BB flips over QQ :eek: :eek:

now hoping for an Ace ...hoping for a split pot
no ace ...QQ held up and now crippled with 9150

next hand i'm BB with A2o

with only 1150 left and with an Ace ...i push the rest in

EP called with T5o and a T came on the river and i'm out at 307
47 shy of the money

comments please :frown:


  • blinds 4000/8000
    raised it to 8000


    Blinds 1K/2K seems to be more in the right ballpark if the average stack is 30K.

    ScottyZ :confused:
  • ScottyZ wrote:

    Blinds 1K/2K seems to be more in the right ballpark if the average stack is 30K.

    ScottyZ :confused:
    blinds just gone up :wink:

    i'm pretty sure it's 4k/8k :smile:
  • You are in should have been in push or fold mode...that being said I push...and bust just the same.
  • Perhaps average stack at CO's table was or two huge stacks and the rest with btw 30-40K possibly....

    I push with AJ in that position with the blinds coming around at 8K to're looking at 12K in the next few hands and you only have 38K. Either push or fold, with min raise you are either bleeding off your chips by folding a raise or commiting everything by calling an all-in. I prefer to give my opponents tough calls rather then the reverse.

  • stpboy wrote:
    Perhaps average stack at CO's table was or two huge stacks and the rest with btw 30-40K possibly....

    yeah there were about 3 guys { 60K,75K,44K

    the rest were around 20K to 30K +/- :)
  • stpboy wrote:
    I push with AJ in that position with the blinds coming around at 8K to're looking at 12K in the next few hands and you only have 38K. Either push or fold, with min raise you are either bleeding off your chips by folding a raise or commiting everything by calling an all-in. I prefer to give my opponents tough calls rather then the reverse.

    i usually don't like to play UTG but the last orbit all i got was garbage and this hand looked good

    and i'm thinking if i raise they probably will 1st hand in 1 orbit
    probably needed to raise more???

    maybe i should've pushed all in :confused:
  • blinds just gone up :wink:

    i'm pretty sure it's 4k/8k :smile:

    Okay. What did you raise it to then? When you said 8K did you mean 16K? (That is, did you raise it by 8K?) EDIT: Okay, OP is updated. :)

    I would have moved all-in initially. This is enough hand to play for a stack of under 5*BB. And in this spot, if I play, I shove.

    After you have made it 16K, calling the additional ~22K is elementary. Folding here and leaving yourself with less than 3*BB would be awful.

  • I would have folded. I think A-Jo UTG is close, but not good enough. Would you move in UTG with 6-5s? It's probabls as good or better than the hands that will call you and there is 9 hands that might.

    Plus, with 38,000 although losing 12K in the blinds is GROSS, it's not the end of the world.

    If you are going to play (and I might to tell the truth... a lot will depend upon my feelings for the table and the players) that you should move in. It's going in if you get re-raised and against a lot of hands you want to see the turn and river.
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