Thoughts on micro turbo rebuy tournies at stars

Just wondering what the forum consesus is with respect to the micro $2-$5 rebuy tournaments that stars run constantly.

Do you think they are easy money? Waste of time? Lottery?

How about early strategies for those 20 hands when you actually have play?

Push in with any pocket? AK? AJo?

Now that the WSOP qualifiers are running full force, I have to brush the dust of my NL game so I'm just looking for musings/thoughts about these tournaments.


  • Just to kick it off, I've steered clear of these. From what I've read it's much too volatile in the rebuy period. I think there was a previous thread on this. I'll see if I can find it.

    My recollection is you can push with any middle pocket and your 2 other choices.
  • Just as an update, I've found these tournament (in the VERY short term) to be interetsting (read: profitable), by only needing to showdown about 2 hands / tourney and stealing my way into the money...
  • Yeah, I must agree. I am playing the $2+R tourney to WSOP $33. I spend $2-6 depending on my position. I usually don't take a rebuy. but I usually take an addon if it puts me from 5-6K (doubling up range) that will allow me to sit tight into the money.

    From a $2 buyin, my W$ roll is up to 260. I'm just building it to use for a WCOOP event or save it up for next year when I am eligible for the WSOP.
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