the SUCKER card

Q:heart: is EVIL

ME: 7800
SB: 1780
BB: 3300
3 left in STT

blinds are: ???? i can't remember :frown:

so i have AJ:heart: on the button

am 4 to the flush
flop is 8:heart: 2:club: 4:heart: he (BB) bets i raise he calls
turn is Q:spade: check to me on the turn...i also check

river comes Q:heart:

cool i've hit the Ace High Flush but now there's 2 Q's on the flop

he bets i raise he re raises all in

3 left in STT
i'm pot committed and i have Ace High Flush
so i call

he flips over Q4o for Queen full or Fours

and wham


Q:heart: is the sucker card :mad:

makes me my Ace High Flush but makes him a Boat :mad:

:frown: :frown: :frown:

i must have played it wrong somewhere :confused:


  • The size of the blinds is important.

    The description of the pre-flop action is important.

    Unless this is a limit tournament, the size of each bet and raise is important.

    Some description (even a minimal one) of the BB's playing style would be helpful.

  • ScottyZ wrote:
    The size of the blinds is important.

    The description of the pre-flop action is important.

    Unless this is a limit tournament, the size of each bet and raise is important.

    Some description (even a minimal one) of the BB would be helpful.


    it was NL

    i think the blinds were 100/200 or 200/400 :confused:

    i raised it PF not too much cuz they've been folding to my PF raises
  • of course i went on tilt sorta

    had A:diamond: K:diamond: so i just said WTF...sholved it ALL IN

    same guy calls he has J :heart: 5 :club:

    flop goes 2 Jacks

    and i'm DONE! :mad:

    i just couldn't help myself :frown:
  • i need a drink :mad: :frown: :frown:

    TILT is EVIL:mad: :mad:
  • i think the blinds were 100/200 or 200/400

    i raised it PF not too much cuz they've been folding to my PF raises

    Okay, that's a good start. It still makes a pretty huge difference if the blinds are 100/200 or 200/400.

    It sounds to me like you are varying your pre-flop raise in such a way that you are giving away information about your hand. If you are consistently picking up the blinds with raises of 3*BB, and you suddenly raise 2*BB, you are giving away something about your hand.

    Also, you are trying to generate action with a hand that generally does not want action, although it probably does not mind action. I am not just toying with semantics--- there is an enormous difference between the two.

    If you have been consistently pommelling your opponents with pre-flop raising and they are folding to you, this is the overall result you should want. The blinds are big enough relative to your opponents' stacks that it's worth simply picking them up time after time if your opponents are allowing you to do so.

    I would make my standard pre-flop raise here, and probably show the AJs voluntarity if I pick up the blinds.

  • thx for the input ScottyZ :smile:
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