Rantings of a Former Stars Player

Hey everyone,

I recently got these emails (along with associated hand histories) from a good buddy who had been playing at Poker Stars for quite some time. You can see that it is a downward spiral. I think you'll appreciate his rantings!

Sending u some hands so you don't think I am delusional

Check out # 3 and # 14 - good grief on 14 buddy flops low pair with his 3 6
offsuit against a scary board and stays in versus heavy betting...nice catch

More to come.

You will love # 1 here....Lee Jones is fUCKING with me. No doubt about it.

SitnGO...very early (4th hand or so)
Check it out.

Now I'm convinced he's giving me very good 2nd-best hands to lose my shirt.

Further proof check hand # 2 - he is DOMINATED and sucks out on me.....FUCK

Oh this one is a beauty...hand # 1 - flop set and get worked by...oh, you
will see...look for yourself....good grief

Nice, Hand 1 again.... pocket 10s cracked by the infamous K 6 offsuit in the
small fucking blind.....chases down his gutshot vs 1 opponent (me)

I don't know grimmm, but I CAN'T see any other site being any LOOSER than
this....but I will find out next week

Deposit on the way....going over to party poker next week...they're giving
me $100 free ..... now I'm EVEN baby

Hand 1.....flopped top 2 pair...get rivered for flush
Hand 2 - outkicked with J kicker....Jesus H.

This fucker flops bottom pair (2s) on rainbow board and sucks out
runner runner flush on my flopped 2 pair....FUCK OFF LEE JONES.

Hand 1 takes the fucking cake

They are putting me in position to get fucked.....I don't know anyone who
lays this fucker down....

This figures....Hand 1 i knew he had it, but needed the proof......
I kid you not, these have almost all happened in 2 hours tonight....they are
putting me in position to lose. I am complying.

I don't think u will be seeing me at stars anymore....

Here it is, hand # 1 (and my final stars hand ever).
Fucker hits a 2 outer on river to beat my full house with a bigger full
house. Yah, sure.

Grim, the last 5 or so emails I sent you contain hands occurring within the
past half hour or so...check the time stamps. This ain't coincidence....it
is a fucking conspiracy or it is some seriously flawed software. Either
way, I'm done at stars. Done. Fini (sp?) Pull the rubber off and throw it
at the wall, I am finished.

My personal favourite is the "they are putting me in aposition to lose, I am complying".

Hope you got a laugh out of this!

Young Grimmm
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