Do you make the call?

5 players remain in a satellite tournament to the Bellagio that doesn't materialize due to lack of players. Instead the winner gets $1050, everyone else gets nothing.
Chip leader is just over 100K in chips, you have above average at 58K, blinds are 2/4K. The button raises all in for his remaining 44K, you see him as a very solid player that is capable of a steal but at the same time could very well be holding any ace with big or small kicker or any pair. You have KQ in the small, do you call the all-in?



  • Just a couple of adjustments. You have 56k. Solid player had just gone all-in to steal the blinds and has 27k and the blinds are 3/1.5k, and had been stealing to survive after taking a terrible beat when his KQ got beat by AQ.

  • Hum ... seems like a bit of story here
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