Funny end of SNG

I started heads up play slightly down to this guy, but his manical bluffing was wearing me down for a while despite the fact I was picking him off to take a big pot from time to time. I couldn't catch anything to trap with. Then it happened:

Seat 2: K2snow (9700 in chips)
Seat 3: SirWatts (3800 in chips)
SirWatts: posts small blind 100
K2snow: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to SirWatts [5d 4h]
SirWatts: calls 100
K2snow: checks
*** FLOP *** [3c 2h Qh]
K2snow: checks
SirWatts: bets 400
K2snow: calls 400
*** TURN *** [3c 2h Qh] [7s]
K2snow: checks
SirWatts: checks
*** RIVER *** [3c 2h Qh 7s] [Kh]
OK, I know he's going to bluff and I've played the hand just like I have a flush draw so I'm going over the top.
K2snow: bets 1800
Oops that's a pretty big bet, not much fold equity here but I had made up my mind.
SirWatts: raises 1400 to 3200 and is all-in
K2snow: folds
SirWatts collected 4800 from pot
SirWatts: shows [5d 4h] (high card King)

I think he might have gotten a bit tilty.

Seat 2: K2snow (7300 in chips)
Seat 3: SirWatts (6200 in chips)
K2snow: posts small blind 100
SirWatts: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to SirWatts [7h 7d]
K2snow: raises 1000 to 1200
SirWatts: raises 5000 to 6200 and is all-in
K2snow: calls 5000
*** FLOP *** [6c 3d Jd]
*** TURN *** [6c 3d Jd] [4s]
*** RIVER *** [6c 3d Jd 4s] [8d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
SirWatts: shows [7h 7d] (a pair of Sevens)
K2snow: shows [2s Ac] (high card Ace)
SirWatts collected 12400 from pot

And I converted my chip advantage after a few more hands when . He said after he was at work and it got busy so he couldn't concentrate anymore. Still damn hard to adjust to a player going from playing reasonably well to not caring and trying to lose almost when you don't know that's what's happening.
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