5/10 Party Poker, Megathighs

Hi everyone, this is my first post here... but I was wondering this.

I have been playing online poker for about a year now, and I started with a $50 deposit and $.50/$1 limits and worked my way up too the $5/$10 limits at Party, which is where I play at now. Over the last 3 months I have been playing this level very successfully, have a 3.4BB/HR winrate per table. or $34 an hour, 2 tabling, which equals $68/hr. Anywho, I have sustained this winrate over the past 3 months and was wondering by some of your experiences here if this is attainable. I personally think it is, but I would like some more experienced advice.

A friend of mine that referred me to this forum said that one of the posters, named "megathighs" was sustaining a 4.0BB/HR winrate. Is this true? If someone could shed some light on all of this, it would be really greatfull thanks.



  • A friend of mine that referred me to this forum said that one of the posters, named "megathighs" was sustaining a 4.0BB/HR winrate. Is this true? If someone could shed some light on all of this, it would be really greatfull thanks.

    Uhoh. Is this our first pokerforum troll? :)
  • "megathighs"

    While this may be truer about the real person his online persona is "Magithighs" and I'm sure he will reply soon enough.

    By the way welcome to the forum.
  • No, BBC, lol, no troll. :)

    I was just wondering about my winrate is all. I know that I have been sustaining for about 3 months now, I just dont want to wake up some morning and it all be a dream. LOL....
  • "megathighs"

    Wasn't this one of the Transformers?

    As for win rates, I don't have enough information to determine my own win rate with statistical significance. Nor have I ever seen a player present enough data to determine whether or not their own win rate is statistically significant.

    So, welcome to the club of not knowing if your win rate is realistic. :)

  • 'Megathighs' and 'Magithighs' are two VERY different types of thighs... and yes Scotty, I believe Megathighs was Optimus Prime's nemesis.
  • MAGITHIGHS!!!!!!!!!!! LOL, there is everyone happy....

    Well welcome me to the poker forum, I have been getting some of the most well known forum posters out to my first post, I must be doing something right, or wrong... lol!

    Anyways, yeah I DO believe that I can sustain this. I keep pretty good records, what I really wanted to know was what is "magithighs" or wait maybe "megathighs" has been sustaining and over what period of time... :)
  • Oh and another thing, all aces, how are the 5/10 games on Pokerstars? Are they fairly tight, fairly beatable? Bad players, all good players, mixture... I have heard you play the 30/60 game there so you must have had a stop off at the 5/10 sometime. :)
  • My sample size is too small to be statistically relevant. Not unlike the whole 'win rate' discussion. Also, it was a long time ago and I'm sure there is a completely new crop of players in the Stars 5/10 games.

    Just out of curiosity, who are your sources and how is it that they are so damn well-informed? :)
  • MAGITHIGHS!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wasn't this one of the Transformers?


    I've played quite a lot of Party Poker 5/10, and very little PokerStars 5/10. Need I say more?

  • all aces... my sources, hmmmmmmmm, sources.... hmmmmmmmm, lol... just jokes, Im friends with Dennis187 from these forums...

    and Scotty, you have played alot of party 5/10, yeah that is what I play as well, what is your screen name on there, maybe I have sat with you and dont even know it lol....

    and yeah I think that the Party games are definately alot softer than the Stars games, although I could be wrong, but dont think I am... :)

    hey I have a new song for a cartoon and comic book I am going to create...

    "dun na na na na na na na MEGATHIGHS!!!!!!!!!!!"

  • what is your screen name on there

    MegaZ. No, wait. ScottyZ. ;)

    Here's a (huge) thread where people can report their online ID's if they wish to do so:


  • Hey, welcome to the forum. Isn't jimmi sweet! Let's not go there -- but the thighs are magic!

    Not sure about "True" win rate, as Scotty mentions. But over various limits I was averaging 4.20 BB/100 hands over 30k hands. After a curse from BBCZ and now with 50k hands, I'm at 3.05 BB/100 hands. I've heard of streaks that happen over 10k hands, so I'd have to say a "true" win rate is "truer" after 100k hands. That seems to be the consensus of many who are Pokertracker addicts and have about 200-500k hands in their db.

    I've played many different sites and don't think any one site is that much softer than another site. Currently I'm playing stars 3/6 short and 5/10 full and they are similar to the Party games. The only difference is that there are WAY more games going at party, so it's easier to find another table if you're getting pummelled at one table.

    Remember, the return to mean journey is always ugly, painful and just plain nasty.

  • i will admit i have been grinding it out on party 5 10. I dont know why i chose that game.. but I do beat it. I havent been the best at keeping track, but after two weeks of serious play i am up just over 500 big bets. For the last two days however I have been getting beaten to a pulp. Set after set no good etcetc.. I cant climb over 600 bets it seems.

    Magi, if u read this, u ever have those sick swings? sets/trips no good on flop 5-6 times in a row, every top two losing to a set. its unreal.....

    I had a hand
    in the BB. 4h 5h flop is 3h 6h 7h.... i lost the hand on the river. that was yesterday.

    first time i ever lost with a striaght flush. AHHH YES PARTY

    anyone one else experience swings of this retardedness?

  • harthgosh wrote:
    i will admit i have been grinding it out on party 5 10. I dont know why i chose that game.. but I do beat it. I havent been the best at keeping track, but after two weeks of serious play i am up just over 500 big bets. For the last two days however I have been getting beaten to a pulp. Set after set no good etcetc.. I cant climb over 600 bets it seems.

    Magi, if u read this, u ever have those sick swings? sets/trips no good on flop 5-6 times in a row, every top two losing to a set. its unreal.....

    I had a hand
    in the BB. 4h 5h flop is 3h 6h 7h.... i lost the hand on the river. that was yesterday.

    first time i ever lost with a striaght flush. AHHH YES PARTY

    anyone one else experience swings of this retardedness?


    Hmmmm...well in my other "what if" post I talk about this. I got the crap beat out of me. Over 20k hands i was over 4BB/100, and the last 10K I was about .5BB/100. Unreal beats. After replaying ALL my hands I realized it was the grinding hands that were killing me, not necessarily the bad beats. I figured I could have been making about 2BB/100 hands if I wasn't playing poorly. Trouble is that it's hard to play well, when you're getting your "A" hands/plays beat. I spotted some real problem areas and fixed it. Still to no avail. So, what to do. Naturally, I went up in limits and started playing 10/20. That worked well and I was averaging about 2.8 BB/100 hands (not going to give an exact number of hands, but it was statistically significant).

    Then BAM, bad beat heaven. This time, I waited about a day, and cashed out. The last straw was my AA in the sb -- flopped a set, check-raised a bet from the button, bet the turn and bet the river only to find that BB had AQo and rivered a straight. That's when I started my WSOP quest. Now I can't catch a hand at Stars, so I may go back to Party. And so the world turns.

    I would replay your hands in pokertracker, and I'll bet you'll spot some interesthing things.

  • pranker69 wrote:
    Hi everyone, this is my first post here... but I was wondering this.

    I have been playing online poker for about a year now, and I started with a $50 deposit and $.50/$1 limits and worked my way up too the $5/$10 limits at Party, which is where I play at now. Over the last 3 months I have been playing this level very successfully, have a 3.4BB/HR winrate per table. or $34 an hour, 2 tabling, which equals $68/hr. Anywho, I have sustained this winrate over the past 3 months and was wondering by some of your experiences here if this is attainable. I personally think it is, but I would like some more experienced advice.

    A friend of mine that referred me to this forum said that one of the posters, named "megathighs" was sustaining a 4.0BB/HR winrate. Is this true? If someone could shed some light on all of this, it would be really greatfull thanks.


    You need about 150,000 hands to have 95% confidence in your winrate within +/- 1 BB/100 hands.

    I don't want to go into it here, but it has to do with statistical significance testing.
  • Cool... i've been trying and trying to find how how many hands you need before having any degree of confidence that it means anything. I can't for the life of me find anything through a search on 2+2 except a whole lot of posts chiding people for posting their results over 10K hands. I knew it had to be over 100K, because at 10K one session can affect your numbers significantly.

    I've been playing a lot of the 3/6 max turbo at Stars, a little 5/10 at Party and after a great run had my first bad weekend... one of those where for a while almost every hand gets sucked out and you almost start expecting it to happen. Felt really good that I managed to grind some of the losses back and end up only slightly down for the weekend. When it's happening to you, it's hard to keep it from affecting you. I'm looking over the sessions in PT. I think part of my problem was adjusting to being in some really really loose games after getting used to tighter players who were playing during the week.
  • Keep in mind that you will need to compile the 150,000 hands in a reasonable time-frame where your skill level vs. your opponents is relatively the same. They key for me is that the win rate is an indicator and something I can compare with other folks. And, just like mutual funds, past performance does not guarantee future results. If you're a 3BB/100 hand player over 150,000 hands, it doesn't mean you will continue at that rate.

    I think the original question was -- "is it possible to sustain a 4-5BB/100 hand win rate over a long period of time? -- Has anyone done this". I haven't seen anyone say they did it, over 100k-200k hands.*


    * So, it begs the question -- why did I set my goal at 5BB/100. For me it was a matter of trying to push EVERY single edge I could find. It's just a personal thing -- I like to reach for something which is impossible to push me as far as I can go. I didn't say it was possible -- I just thought "hmmm.... what if I do these things.... how far will it take me"
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