Player Notes

Hi all. I have been reviewing some of my player note online and find it is mostly a collection of random anecdotes(i.e raising 87o mp). I have decided I want to start some kind of systematic notation system to have more use to me. But with the volume of players at the levels I play online(.25-.50....1-2) I was wondering if this is feasible. Would you rate every player with a short note or wait till you have played say five times with a certain player before you start a more in-depth analysis. What would you include?
1. Raising standards
2 Tight vs. loose
3. Passive vs. aggresive
4. Calling stations
5. Trickiness (check-raising, smooth calls pure bluffs)
6. Flop seen percentages
7.What else?

Cheers Paul :)


  • pkrooster wrote:
    Hi all. I have been reviewing some of my player note online and find it is mostly a collection of random anecdotes(i.e raising 87o mp). I have decided I want to start some kind of systematic notation system to have more use to me. But with the volume of players at the levels I play online(.25-.50....1-2) I was wondering if this is feasible. Would you rate every player with a short note or wait till you have played say five times with a certain player before you start a more in-depth analysis. What would you include?
    1. Raising standards
    2 Tight vs. loose
    3. Passive vs. aggresive
    4. Calling stations
    5. Trickiness (check-raising, smooth calls pure bluffs)
    6. Flop seen percentages
    7.What else?

    Cheers Paul :)

    Pokertracker + gametime = Happy fingers because you don't gotta type anything.
  • Gotta agree. I'm not sure if GT+ is making me a worse poker player for it though, as I'm getting ultra lazy about taking notes. About the only time I will take notes is on a particularly interesting/specific play. Otherwise, the numbers really do speak for themselves on the generic "type" of player you're up against...
  • Gametime is awesome for Party because of local Hand Histories but for Stars I find the Advanced Notes Export feature in Pokertracker to be useful.
    Go check out the Export Notes and use the Advanced Tab.
    From there you can select rules to export the player info you want; ( I set it to export notes only for players with more then 30 hands in the database).
    Say {{
    Player Description
    any pokertrack stat you find useful.

    You can set it to add your personal notes to the beginning or the end of everything between {{ }}
  • I use PlayerView instead of gametime, but yeah, do one of these options instead of just doing your own notes. (

    Also, I bought the Poker Tracker Guide, and it has great setup tips for Poker Tracker and PlayerView (
  • I've got to second the endorsement of the Poker Tracker Guide (, and not just because I know the guys who wrote it. It's worth the $20 for the auto-rate settings alone.
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