Hand comments

Here's a hand that came up last night. It's early and I don't have a read on the players. Comment away!

PP 1/2 Limit
Hero is UTG with JJ

Hero raises, UTG+1 re-raises, folds to CO who caps, Blinds fold. Hero, UTG+1 calls.

Flop: T95 rainbow.

I like what I see and bet. UTG+1 raises, CO re-raises. Hero to act.

What would be your plan for the rest of the hand? Drop it here? If not, how do you continue? How about the pre-flop play. Comments?



  • i would imagine UTG +1 and Co probably have either higher pocket pair or might have hit a set. I would consider bowing out with JJ.
  • I've folded JJ in a limit game in almost exactly this situation. It largely depends on your impression of either or both of your opponents. (I realize that you had no read). If even JUST ONE is a maniac, that automatically de-values his hand in the eyes of your other (non-maniacal) opponent who will then adjust his play accordingly, pouring on the aggression. So, the long and the short of it is, if one of them's a maniac, you might as well consider them BOTH to be maniacs, because the 'normal' player will seriously step up his aggression against the maniac. Maybe to isolate, maybe for value, maybe both.

    If both of your opponents are reasonable players, this is a fairly easy fold. If you're not sure, you should probably call them down if they slow down, but if they go to war on the turn with no signs of stopping, you might want to bow out at that point instead. I know that's a lame answer, but with absolutely no read on your opponents, you might have to pay them off (to an extent) on this hand to learn a thing or two, and you might just have the best hand if it's a wild table.
  • redlude2k wrote:
    i would imagine UTG +1 and Co probably have either higher pocket pair or might have hit a set. I would consider bowing out with JJ.

    Toss out the sets unless he 3-bets with TT or 99 or 55..

    On the flop, the pot is around 13 SB and when the action gets back to you it's 19SB or 19:2 to call... If you are behind you are not getting the odds to continue... Your opponents have completely disrespected your semi-out of turn bet........

    Yet, you've got an overpair.....


    With no reads, it's a fold. You have to assume that bets are strength and these guys are both playing like they got AA... Watch them call eachother down and make some notes.. they ain't unknowns anymore..
  • BBC Z wrote:
    Your opponents have completely disrespected your semi-out of turn bet........

    This is the one piece that really stood out for me. I was the original raiser pre-flop. (which then was raised and re-raised, so I'm already wary of an over pair to my Jacks)

    It was a wonderful flop for me so I bet out. UTG+1 re-raised and in order for COP to bet he has to get past the fact that the original raiser of the hand bet AND the original re-raiser of the hand re-raised. That's A LOT of strength to "disrespect" in order to 3 bet the flop.

    In fact, I wouldn't use the word disrespect. It was more along the lines that the other two players were oblivious that any of this was happening and I was getting the vibe that they couldn't get their money in fast enough. Even for Low Limit, the range of hands that they could have, that I could beat was almost non-exisistant, based on the pre-flop action.

    I was also worried that I was going to be caught in a raising war between the two of them, so I folded the hand.

    Both players capped the rest of the streets with no card over a T coming off, and the winner turned over KK. The loser (after checking the logs) had QQ.

    I was worried that I should have stayed with the hand til the end (as I could have been giving up a huge pot), but it sounds like everyone's thinking along the same lines that I was.
  • This is probably too loose (and really looks like a stupid play after seeing the results), but I think I would call the 2 cold (and one more if capped) on the flop and see what develops on the turn.

    On the turn, I check no matter what card comes (including a J), and only continue with the hand if an 8, J, or Q has come off.

  • ScottyZ wrote:
    This is probably too loose (and really looks like a stupid play after seeing the results), but I think I would call the 2 cold (and one more if capped) on the flop and see what develops on the turn.

    On the turn, I check no matter what card comes (including a J), and only continue with the hand if an 8, J, or Q has come off.


    That seems a bit loose to me, with only three people contesting the pot.

    if the pot had a few xtra passive players mixed in, then maybe. the way this hand has played out coming back to you on the flop for two more bets, JJ looks like just about any other small pair ... just fold it.
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