Anyone playing stars 215 today?

I've got really nothing much to do today, so I wouldnt mind watching some of the forum members through this tournament. If your playing just post your pstars username please!


  • I'm in the $215 today, and use djep as my nick on stars. :smile:
  • Just got clearance to play! I'm the same name on stars. Good luck DJP! See you at the final table.

  • Good luck to you too magi. These 2200+ fields are like the freerolls I started out on. lol Hope to see you at the final table. :spade: :heart: :club: :diamond:

    I'm at table 35.
  • yes im in . in party 215 also.

  • gl hg
  • hard to lay that down magi, tough beat
  • PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t30 (9 handed) converter

    MP1 (t2345)
    MP2 (t2640)
    MP3 (t2005)
    CO (t3280)
    Button (t2485)
    SB (t2575)
    BB (t2330)
    Hero (t2560)
    UTG+1 (t5050)

    Preflop: Hero is UTG with A:heart:, Q:diamond:.
    Hero calls t30, 2 folds, MP2 calls t30, 2 folds, Button calls t30, SB completes, BB checks.

    I like limping UTG with AQo early in a tourney, as it's easy to dump (well I thought it was) and good if you hit bit.

    Flop: (t150) 8:heart:, A:diamond:, 8:club: (5 players)
    SB bets t120, BB folds, Hero raises to t240, MP2 folds, Button folds, SB raises to t360, Hero calls t120.

    I don't like this flop. There is no draw, and I haven't defined my hand. So, SB doesn't suspect an ace from me. So, I make the minimum raise to see where i'm at. Then moneky man pays a visit. It's soooooooooo obvious now. SB makes a minimum re-raise to milk me and fearing A8 -- so he's testing me. I should have folded.

    Turn: (t870) Q:heart: (2 players)
    SB checks, Hero bets t600, SB calls t600.

    Easy check here for me, but I'm thinking hey SB's got a small ace and is using the queen for a kicker. I totally disregard all information from the betting and I think I'm looking good. So, I bet. All wrong. The line I chose by limping AQ really prevents this bet.

    River: (t2070) 8:diamond: (2 players)
    SB bets t840, Hero calls t840.

    Wtf did I call this bet! Well it was my only choice after betting the turn. All the more reason to check the turn and see what happens at the river.

    Final Pot: t3750

    Results in white below:
    SB has 9h 8s (four of a kind, eights).
    Hero has Ah Qd (full house, eights full of aces).
    Outcome: SB wins t3750.
  • Thats about as bad as it gets. AA loses to 66 with a straight?? Yah right.
  • a gut shot too, of course
  • Thats the last $215 I'm playing in. It's just like a freeroll. From now on I unregister any sat chips and play in other tourneys.
  • Don't give up on it! It's a great way to prepare for WSOP where you'll have to beat a field of 3k or more. It's just a matter of adjustments, just like wading through the $3 tourny.

    I was hoping my words would help you avoid monkey man -- but alas you suffered the same fate as myself. My JTs when down to QQ. How come our crap hands don't hit miracles!

    You played well! At least you didn't make my mistake!!

  • Six hands as the favourite pre-flop, all six down in flames. Some big favourites AKs against AJo, and others minor favourites A4s vs KJs. But six in a row. No wonder folks think it's rigged. Ah, I just know the universe is out to get me. Somewhere, someone is experiencing an incredible run of good luck. I'm happy for them.

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