


  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    I have gotten Playground emails before, but there is nothing this week or in the website. :-( It's too bad as players like me would have played Win&Goes. Instead, I'll be playing at the CNE Casino today to take out my frustration.

    Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk

    I got the email 2 1/2 hours before I posted the promo here and was kinda surprised you hadn't posted it before had a chance to
  • Ok so there are a few questions in here that I can address.

    1. The mailing list - UBetIFold is exactly right - Canadian anti-spam laws changed and we made the assessment that although our list was *probably* fine that we would adhere to the best practices in email marketing and make sure that we had explicitly had everyone opt-in to receive marketing emails. So we sent out an email with an opt-in button (I think it was big and said YES) and torched the rest of the list.

    2. If you want to join the list, you can do so by signing in to our website and opting in there. Use your existing Player's Card, fill out the rest of the form including your email address and then hit submit and you'll get an email back with a link for you to create a password.

    3. There is a good reason to join the list and to pay attention to the emails - everyone on the list is in for a monthly draw! Some months it will be hats or other clothing and other stuff like that, but a few times a year it will be a free entry into a $1.1K tournament!

    4. The Win & Go promo was totally last minute but not due to any attendance fears - we just found that there was some budget that had been allocated but not spent, so we decided to whip up a new promo that we thought would be fun for players. The whole thing went from 0 to finished by about 7 tonight.

    5. I'm pretty confident in saying we'll be doing it again! The whole thing went over extremely well.
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    Maybe they are trying to tell you something?
    That I should stay home in Ontario and play the juicy games with you?
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    That I should stay home in Ontario and play the juicy games with you?

    That's the ticket...

    tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU
  • Satellite day today was (still is - the last one starts at 8pm) juicy. Revised total number of sat seats going into the Main Event: 311, +/- 5 depending on how far past the guarantee we get tonight (there are already 20 seats guaranteed).
  • So is anyone else here or am I the only one? Playing the satellite tonight and 1c tomorrow.
  • We need 477 tomorrow to cover the guarantee, and while this is far from impossible (we had the same situation in the Spring for the WPT Cdn Spring Champs and covered), it still represents great value for players!
  • If the old 1a+1b=1c holds true, you'll get there.

    Smart having fri-sat-sun instead of thurs-fri-sat
  • Main BBJ just went off apparently. A friend was 2 tables over.
  • jontm wrote: »
    If the old 1a+1b=1c holds true, you'll get there.

    Smart having fri-sat-sun instead of thurs-fri-sat

    Well in theory I should be promoting value value value but I've always tried not to be *that guy* in here and just discuss things straight up...


    I agree with you Jon. The numbers are almost identical to the Spring Classic Main, which had 550 to get there.

    In other news, the BBJ did go off just about 90 minutes ago.

    Meanwhile, at the cash tables…
  • Played the MTT satellite and busted uneventfully shortly after the re-entry period ends. Was planning to go home and rest but they announced they were starting their 0-2 seat added sngs so decided to play one. Our wheel landed on zero and the whole table is tilted to start the tournament. About 5-10 minutes in, the second sng starts and their wheel lands on zero too. The tournament head guy feels bad and gives both sngs an extra seat which I thought was a pretty nice gesture. Long story short, I win two big hands at the beginning and pretty much cruise to a seat. Go me.
  • That is perfect! Keep us updated!

    Are you playing any cash?
  • OK so we are well past the 477 we needed.

    Someone's going to chastise me for crying wolf one of these days. But until you hit that number, I tell you from experience you're really NOT sure you can!
  • hiphopopotamus - where are you sitting? I'll come and say hi and get a shot of you.
  • Table 24, seat 4. Only Asian guy at table. 38k after break 1.
  • Was up to 90k but lost with aces and AK in the last level because I suck. I have to learn how now to punt half my stack in the last level of day 1s. Day 2 with 46k (~19bb).
  • 96th for $2260 because I suck at poker.
  • good job man
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