P/S customer service - disconnected

First, a question...when you are diconnected and take a look at "Network Status", where they show connectivity to various places around US and the world, what is that supposed to indicate? If those connections are all bad, does that mean it is the site, or me?

I have had two experiences with getitng blinded out while disocnnected. The first, I later learned was trouble with my phone line. I had contacted P/S, and they told me as much, that it was at my end, and rightly so, nothing they can do.

The second happened last night, where I became disconnected in a $20+2 SNG in about 5th position with 7 remaining a little over half way through, and could not re-connect until it was over (finishing 4th - better than when I had influence in the game..lol!). At any rate, the Network connectiviy was poor (at the various locations they show) when I checked through the site, but I am unclear exactly what that means. I shut down P/S, but not my connection, re-opened P/S and was connected well, but it was too late by this time.

At any rate, I sent an email to P/S this time as well, and although they claimed again it was not from their end, they credited my entry fee, which I thought was nice to do if they really believe they were fully connected. I don't know if I believe that it was not at their end though. How do you know exactly?

What experiences have you have with customer service and refunds on issues like these?


  • Tie Twist wrote:
    First, a question...when you are diconnected and take a look at "Network Status", where they show connectivity to various places around US and the world, what is that supposed to indicate? If those connections are all bad, does that mean it is the site, or me?

    If all connections are bad it is a good indication that the problem is at your end. If you are not connecting to PSTARS and you are getting a full connection everywhere else then that points the finger at their end.
  • Ok - makes sense. I was unsure if the window was showing my connectivity to those sites, or P/S.

    Good on them then, but I found it strange that when I re-opened P/S after 25 minutes, it was fine. Maybe it was coincidental timing.
  • Yup I would say that is damn good of them. If only cell phone, hydro, gas, cable, satellite companies and banks (to name a few) treated us as fairly as your averege illegal offshore poker site.
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