Contest: Read the players hands, Win $1 (via pokerstars)

In the interest of livening things up around here, I'm offering a cool $1 to the person who comes closest to figuring out what the various players have in the thread I just posted:

Right Play or Chip Bleed?

In the interest of keeping the actual hand conversation seperate from the contest, please post all guesses in here.

Answers will be evaluated on the following basis:

1 point for each card that is correct. One bonus point for the correct suit. A third bonus point for getting the correct hand.

Double the points if you give the hand to the correct player.
Ties will be decided in some way arbitrary way I havent considered yet.

So in this hand, we've got UTG+2, MP2 and the BB in a showdown. What did they all have?

Contest closes in a few days. G'luck!


  • In the interest of livening things up around here...

    zzzzZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZ....snort....zzZZz......choke...huh? WHA?

    Okay. I'm awake.



    MP2: 3h 3c
    BB: 2h 2s
    UTG+2: Th 2d

  • What the goes;

    BB 8h7h (doesn't have the nut flush as he slowed down but was drawing to one)
    UTG+2 Ah2h (Bet his 2's on flop cuz 2's rule. LP really comes alive when hits the nut flush on turn)
    MP2 Qd6d (Just said f*ck it. I'm all in with my Q's, then I'm outta here cuz I've lost nuf $ 2nite)
    MP3 7s7c (my pair is nowhere on the turn)
  • BB- J:club: K:club:

    UTG+2- 10:heart: 9:diamond:

    MP2- J:spade: 10:diamond:

    Those are my guesses with the information I have at hand. Thanks for the opp. to fund my stars account :D

  • I'll give it a shot.

    BB 5h6h
    UTG+2 Ah10c
    MP2 Kd10d
  • BB A:diamond: T:heart:

    UTG+2 A:heart: 3:heart:

    MP2 Q:club: T:diamond:
  • BB 4h 6h
    utg+2 10h 8h
    mp2 9c 10c

    "edit" Forgot to put the "c" behind the 10
  • Wow,
    I have no idea -- I'll be "creative"

    BB: A :diamond: T :spade:
    UTG+2: 9 :spade: T :heart:
    MP2: Q :club: J :spade:
  • BB: Qc Kc
    UTG+2: Ah 8h
    Mp2: Ad 10s
  • BB: 8h 7h
    UTG+2: Ah 2h
    MP2: Th 9d
  • MP2: 7 :heart: 2 :heart:
    BB: A :heart: J :diamond:
    UTG+2: K :club: Q :club:
  • lmao i think my guess is wayyyyyyyyy off :eek:

    just looked at the other guesses ROFL
  • Results:
    BB has Got Ks Ts
    UTG+2: Made the Royal Flush with Ah Th
    MP2: Made 2nd set on the flop with Js Jc

    ScottyZ : 1 point
    osf: 2 points
    stp: 7 points
    twosnaces: 5 points
    hork42: 6 points
    wader: 3 points
    PhallicPhil: 7 points
    88fingers: 5 points
    Scooby: 4 points
    Confused One: 4 points.

    I'm going to give the win to Phil cuz he actually got one had right (but was off for the suits) while STP got suit lucky on his guesses and picked the right cards but didnt get anyone relatively close..

    Anyway, thanks for playing..
    Help control the pet population, have your pet spayed or neutered.

    (cue price is right outtro music)
  • WOOHOO! I got 5 points!

    I am getting better by reading this forum! :)
  • BBC Z wrote:
    ScottyZ : 1 point

    lol, who invited this guy to be moderator? :wink:
    Congrats Phil on your win :)

  • stpboy wrote:
    lol, who invited this guy to be moderator?

    I'm better at deleting posts than reading hands. :)
    BBC Z wrote:
    (cue price is right outtro music)

    Dang, that shiznit gets in your head.


  • Now, I realize most people would take such a gigantic windfall and cash out or invest it in RRSP's or something, but I'm going to go out on a limb and risk it all on the green felt. Seeing as how my PokerStars account was empty before I won BBC_Z's contest, I'm now on a mission -- turn my $1 prize into $10,000,000. I figure this will take at least a month, so I'll keep a diary of my progress.

    I began by plopping down my dollar in a heated $0.05/0.10 limit hold'em game. With only 10XBB it was a risky start to my campaign, but I felt confident. 20 minutes later, I managed to nearly triple my bankroll to $2.76. Woahoo! I'll keep you all up to date. Wish me luck.

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